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Chapter 113

    And that's not all.

    After the crew suddenly gave her a surprise, Ru Xi spent a perfect celebration ceremony with them.

    The shooting of this night was not in the plan, it was deliberately made to celebrate Ruxi.

    After the celebration ceremony, the cake was cut and eaten.

    Because they were on the set, everyone couldn't do any operations like applying cream, for fear of making a mess of the filming place.

    In addition, everyone has been busy all day, and it is indeed a bit hard now.

    Everyone left the crew directly and went back to their temporary residences.

    After returning to the hotel, Ru Xi discovered that at zero o'clock, countless blessings flew into her mobile phone from other places.

    Zhou Qing also found hot searches on the Internet.

    "Xixi, look quickly." Her voice was a little excited.

    Ru Xi took the tablet she handed over, only to find that there were three trending searches about her birthday.

    #竹溪生日快乐# appeared because of streams sending blessings at zero o’clock, and #半全娱乐圈都在为朝溪庆生# appeared because of the blessings sent by friends and acquaintances in the circle, and there is one more touching thing— —#大大城市全城应助瑞溪生日生#.

    She went in and looked at the three trending searches one by one.

    It turned out that there were so many people in places she couldn't see, always thinking about her.

    The blessings sent by so many fans and friends, as well as the cheers played on the big commercial screens in major cities, are all witnesses of everyone's love for her.

    Ruxi is usually very comfortable in controlling her emotions, but she couldn't help but feel inexhaustible emotion and sadness in her heart until now.

    "Xixi." Zhou Qing suddenly called out next to him.

    When she turned around, a pink jade rabbit pendant appeared in front of her.

    "Although I've said it before, I still want to tell you again, happy birthday."

    "To this day, only I have fully seen how difficult it is for you. No matter how good your family conditions are, all of this is You got it through hard work, I hope you can go farther and farther and stand higher and higher. In the new year, let’s move on.”

    Tears couldn’t stop in the eyes, Ruxi let them Flow down.

    Ru Xi took the gift and hugged Zhou Qing tightly.

    "Thank you, Sister Qing, thank you."

    Zhou Qing rarely saw Ruxi in such an out-of-control state, so she comforted her for a long time until Ruxi's emotions calmed down.

    I can't sleep for the time being, there are too many things on the Internet that need to be responded to.

    Fortunately, Xu Ze gave Ru Xi a half-day off the next morning in a reasonable manner.

    Ru Xi and Zhou Qing were busy until late at night before they could finally reply everyone's blessings.

    Before going to bed, Ru Xi was immersed in bliss.

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