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Chapter 22


    Everyone followed the direction Wang Yuanyuan pointed at and saw Ruxi, who had short hair and was clearly a girl from her figure and clothes.

    Facing so many gazes, Ru Xi was unusually calm, but raised her eyebrows with an inexplicable domineering air.

    Ru Xi didn't react much, but Ning Lu beside her couldn't help it.

    She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips slightly, "Ru Xi is my partner, you want to snatch him?!" She is

    obviously not very tall, but this will give her a domineering aura.

    Everyone couldn't help but look at the show, a girl competed with another girl for a partner, and this partner was still a girl, somehow felt orange power, ah bah, the situation is strange.

    They became curious about Ru Xi who was being fought over by two girls.

    Being pushed up by Ning Lu, Wang Yuanyuan felt a little guilty, but she was unwilling to back down when faced with the eyes of so many people watching the show.

    Besides, hasn't Ruxi refused yet?

    But in the face of Ning Lu, who has a background, she can't speak too harshly...

    Wang Yuanyuan lowered her eyes, and then raised them after a while, "You, Yu Jin, what's the matter with pestering our Jingshu every day? Ru Xi It's just that he's so nice..."

    These words were heartbreaking, and the meaning of sowing dissension was very accurate.

    Most of the people in the circle knew that Yu Jin Entertainment and Jingshu Entertainment were not at odds. Now that Wang Yuanyuan brought up this topic, it was just a detour to say that Ning Lu had some purpose for approaching Ruxi.

    She not only spoke to Ruxi, but also to other students present.

    Hearing what she said, Ning Lu was really angry.

    Although what Wang Yuanyuan said was true from the literal meaning, she was indeed clinging to Ruxi all the time, and Ruxi was indeed a kind person, but she never had any bad thoughts towards Ruxi from the beginning to the end.

    "What nonsense are you talking..."

    She originally wanted to go up to Wang Yuanyuan to argue with her, but just as she took a step, Ruxi grabbed her hand.

    Ning Lu raised her head to look at Ruxi, and she stopped what she wanted to say.

    Ru Xi smiled at Wang Yuanyuan with an unclear meaning, "I don't even know, so the company's artistes are so lenient?" Wang Yuanyuan, who

    was a little proud at first, froze for a moment when she felt that she had found Ning Lu's weakness.

    "The leaders of our company probably don't know that there is such an employee who dedicated himself to the company and died."

    "Pfft..." Some of the students couldn't help laughing, and then stopped abruptly.

    Ru Xi didn't care, since it wasn't her who was laughing anyway.

    "Miss Wang Yuanyuan, why don't I give you a suggestion, you go to the leader's office to report it, and say that Ruxi from our company often plays with Ning Lu from Yu Jin Entertainment, maybe the leaders will come after listening to you Warn me."

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