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Chapter 110

    Everyone just felt that this melon about Ruxi was in a daze.

    At this time, other people in the production team finally discovered this topic, and soon, many people came out to support Ru Xi.

    The script "Qing Xin" was originally invested by Jingshu. The director Xu Ze was signed by Jingshu, and there were almost no other people in the entire production team.

    As for the actors, they are not from Jingshu, but also cooperate with Jingshu.

    Encountering the fact that Ruxi was fabricated by the paparazzi, and just received a gift from his elder brother and younger brother, now is the opportunity to show his favor.

    As a result, almost the entire crew stood up.

    Xu Ze used his identity as the director of "Qing Xin" to issue a statement, sternly condemning the paparazzi's random speculation.

    The assistant director who was good at singing bad faces even gave the paparazzi a bloody spray.

    Many other actors, except for Wu Feichi who had appeared before, all made accusations against the paparazzi.

    If you have a good temper, you just say a few words from a moral point of view, and if you have a bad temper, you just scold others.

    Under this topic, no one mentioned whether Ruxi's elder brother and younger brother were gift givers, but netizens probably saw their attitude.

    With so many people, there are more or less fans standing behind each of them.

    Seeing that the owner said so, the fans followed suit, accusing the paparazzi of being irresponsible.

    Of course, there were also many people who wanted to get the exact answer. They deliberately went back to the Weibo posted by the crew and asked if the gift giver was Ruxi's cousin.

    This time, the crew did not hold back, and directly told the truth.

    After getting the answer, many netizens turned their attention directly.

    Since Ruxi's cousins ​​are so rich, it proves that their family must be very rich.

    But since Ru Xi's debut, no one has ever heard her mention anything about her family.

    I don't know if it was deliberately blurred. Before today, no one was curious about Ruxi's family background.

    After all, in today's circle, most celebrities come here to make money.

    What is the fastest way to make money? Of course it depends on traffic.

    Traffic can bring fans as well as money.

    No matter how rich the stars are, they still want to be richer.

    A good persona can increase traffic even more. For example, many actors and actresses in the circle set up the personas of the rich second generation and the daughter of a rich family.

    This kind of personality attracts fans quickly, and it can make them form a sense of superiority in the circle.

    The families of some celebrities may be above the level of ordinary well-off families, but under the packaging of the company, they can also be rich and well-off families who grew up.

    This is normal operation.

    If Ruxi's family is really rich, everyone is wondering why she didn't mention her family background?

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