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Chapter 13

    Not long after changing the venue, Ruxi ushered in the first rivalry scene with He Wenxiu, which was also He Wenxiu's first scene.

    As we all know, He Wenxiu's acting skills can only be said to be playing himself.

    But in Director Gu's crew, under the premise that this drama is set in the Republic of China, it is absolutely impossible for him to play like this.

    Gu Xianwen has not yet reached the point where he wants to smash his own signboard.

    Therefore, before shooting, it is necessary to hone He Wenxiu first.

    The role played by He Wenxiu is the elder brother of the supporting actress, who is the captain of Haishi Police Station. He doesn't make many appearances, but he helps the hero and heroine a lot in the film.

    The original order should be that the hero and heroine get to know the female supporting brother through the recommendation of the female supporting role, and the female supporting brother will then find a way for them.

    At this time, someone had to go into the enemy's interior to check the situation, which stumped everyone.

    How to get in? Who to send in? How can we bring the news out safely and without worry?

    The female supporting brother spent a lot of effort to find out that one of the enemy's chiefs loves to listen to the Huaguo opera troupe, so he planned to start from this aspect.

    But among the people they knew, there were no members of the theater troupe.

    At this time, Wanli stood up and recommended himself, solving the problem of the hero and the others.

    It turned out that when he traveled north and south, he was rescued by a troupe and studied with them for a period of time.

    In order to check the situation and lower the vigilance of the enemy, Wanli even changed into a female costume...

    The first scene between Ruxi and He Wenxiu was when the female supporting brother took Wanli to the troupe, and then sneaked into the enemy camp .

    This scene is very simple, and there are few dialogues. As long as the characters are stable, everything will be fine.

    Director Gu asked Ru Xi to play against He Wenxiu first, so as not to cause any problems later on.

    He also specially reminded, "Ruxi, take it with you, and do it several times."

    "Okay." Ru Xi, who was entrusted with the important task, nodded.

    In front of Director Gu, although He Wenxiu was upset, he didn't say anything.

    The home side was filming other people's scenes, so the two walked in the corner to play against each other.

    He Wenxiu looked at Ruxi with cold eyes, but Ruxi, as always, seemed to have not seen it.

    Looking at Ruxi's smile, He Wenxiu felt more and more hypocritical.

    He already knew the "nature" of the other party, and there was another incident of Ru Xi's oppression, although he wasn't sure if she did it on purpose, but the dislike in his heart didn't diminish in the slightest.

    "Senior He, let's start." Ruxi was wearing the women's clothing in the play, because she had cut her hair short when she was filming Wanli's men's clothing, and now she is wearing a wig, looking gentle and quiet.

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