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Chapter 124

    After Xiliu realized this, they calmed down and asked Fantou to confront Zhou Qing.

    Fantou in the middle conveys the meaning of other fans.

    As soon as he came up, he pointed out the suspicious points in the photo and questioned why Zhou Qing was lying.

    And some fans, who couldn't calm down at all, couldn't help but make a fuss.

    They have imagined n times in their minds that Ru Xi was targeted by someone in the company, and now he may be suffering from unfair treatment.

    What a warm person their Xixi is! Her talent in acting shocked everyone, and she reached the front line in less than two years.

    In the entertainment circle, no one's upgrade speed can match her!

    It's all like this, Jingshu is actually not satisfied, and she still wants to target Xixi!

    The irritable mood that had been calmed down instantly rebounded doubled after learning that the photo sent by Assistant Ruxi was to fool them.

    Immediately, a group of angry fans started arguing directly under Ruxi's latest Weibo and Jingshu's official Weibo.

    [What happened to our Xixi? Why haven't you come out after so long? ]

    [As Xixi's brokerage company, can't Jingshu take some responsibility? Such a talented artist, you actually have the heart to suppress her? ]

    [After the "Murderous" crew finished filming in July, there was not a single announcement. Is this really the way a first-line artist would be treated? ]

    [Over the past year, our Xixi has also made a lot of money for you, right? Are you treating her like this? ! ]

    [I just want to know why there is no news about Xixi for several days! ]

    [It's also on the front line, Jingshu's other artists are actively doing business, but our family, Xixi, hasn't been seen. Do you know how many days have passed since her last blog? It's been ten days! The most recent one was when I was on the set of "Murderous"! Although she can't be called a model worker, she definitely won't be gone for so many days! ]

    [To add to the one upstairs, find Assistant Xixi, who even used photos from last year to fool us! /angry/angry]


    Although Ruxi has kept a low profile on the Internet for a long time, there are still quite a few people staring at her, after all, she is full of heat.

    As soon as the brooks made a fuss under Jingshu's official blog, many public marketing accounts rushed to hear the news.

    After seeing the fans' comments, they have quickly written the copy and are preparing to stir up this topic.

    Then, someone noticed that the assistant that Xiliu said was fooling them with photos from last year.

    In order to dig out the process of the whole thing, many people turned their bows left and right, and found out the "truth" from some stream mouths.

    After learning the "truth", many marketing accounts began to operate directly.

    In a short time, will #新智影后Ruxi be hidden in the snow? #In this way, the topic of eyeballs is suddenly established.

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