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Chapter 63

    October passed quietly, and soon came the last month of autumn, which is still a very busy month.

    However, compared to other artists, Ruxi at the beginning of the month is relatively relaxed and comfortable.

    The first few months were basically going on and on, and November was a very important season for Ru Xi.

    Agent Yuan Ting and her team are waiting, waiting for the shortlist for the Phoenix Award.

    As long as she is successfully selected, her status will be greatly improved.

    It is precisely because of this that at this time, there are countless advertisers who come to the door in advance and want to pick up the leaks.

    However, Yuan Ting, who had great confidence in Ruxi, resolutely declined all the announcements.

    She knew very well that as long as Ru Xi entered the shortlist for the Phoenix Award, she would quickly reach the quasi-first-line position.

    You must know that there is a huge gap between the ordinary second-tier and the first-tier, whether it is in the treatment that Ruxi can propose, or the degree of attention she receives.

    Just like the Lishang magazine that she and Ruxi had discussed before, even though she knew that Ruxi was a very popular citizen, the treatment she gave was only the second cover, not the first cover.

    But if Ruxi's coffee status rises to the top level, the attitude of those magazines will definitely change a lot.

    In addition to these outside announcements, Yuan Ting is still waiting for another crucial thing, which is the casting of the large-scale palace drama that Jingshu is preparing.

    Although Ruxi's uncle's status in Jingshu is very high, high enough that Ruxi can directly get any role in this drama.

    However, getting a role based on background is completely different from getting a role based on strength.

    There are many capable people in the company, and the first-line artists can't be counted on ten fingers. Among them, there are as many as four first-line actresses.

    Except for one older actress, Ms. Zhen Tong, who is basically the same as retired in Jingshu, the other three are all actresses who are at or near the peak of their careers.

    Jingshu's resources have always been fairly divided, and no one will be the champion. The investment in this Gongdou drama is very huge. From the preliminary preparations, we know that it is definitely a sophisticated production.

    The other three suitable first-line actresses will definitely not miss this opportunity.

    If Ruxi competes with a second-tier attitude, it will more or less make people feel a little bit of suspicion.

    But as long as she became a quasi-first-line actress, she wouldn't have much objection to sharing the stage with those three actresses.

    In terms of acting skills, Yuan Ting believes that Ruxi will definitely not be inferior to the other three first-line actresses.

    This is enough for Ruxi to get the result she wants.

    Ru Xi had already used her free time to discuss this issue with Yuan Ting.

    So, she too is waiting.

    Of course, she still has many other things to do in her spare time, such as doing live broadcasts.

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