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Chapter 12

    He Wenxiu wanted to remind Gu Dao that Ru Xi is a woman with a deep heart, but unexpectedly, Gu Dao insisted that Ru Xi's suppression just now was not intentional.

    After hearing Director Gu's words, even He Wenxiu wondered if he had made a mistake.

    Could it be that Ruxi really overwhelmed those actresses because her acting skills improved too fast and she couldn't control it?

    He turned his head and saw the actresses who hadn't left yet.

    The few people who were still gossiping at first stopped communicating tacitly when they saw him turn his head, pretending to be uneasy.

    He Wenxiu thought about it again and again, but he still felt that the possibility of Ruxi doing it on purpose was relatively high.

    But Director Gu also said that those who can intentionally overwhelm others are all very powerful characters. If it is according to what he thinks...then Ruxi's acting skills

    ...whether it is...or not...

    He Wenxiu was extremely conflicted .

    In the end he decided to wait and see.

    "Okay, we're going to change venues later, you guys go and clean up first." Gu Xianwen started to chase people away.

    "Okay, director, then you are busy first." Ru Xi smiled as usual, nodded to Gu Xianwen, then nodded to He Wenxiu, and then went to the dressing room.

    He Wenxiu looked at Gu Xianwen's satisfied expression towards Ru Xi's back, and said what Ru Xi said.

    "Oh, let's go." Gu Xianwen didn't even look at him, then turned around and went about his own business.

    He Wenxiu, who was treated differently, felt a sore feeling in his heart. He finally understood what the singers who were crushed by him felt when they faced him.

    That afternoon, the crew evacuated the old house and went to the new studio.

    For the sake of convenience and cost saving, they usually go to a studio and change locations after filming the scenes that happened in this studio, and they will talk about the reshoots.

    Therefore, when shooting, the middle is incoherent. It is possible that the beginning of the movie is still being filmed in the morning, and the ending is in the afternoon.

    This is also a test of acting skills.

    As far as Ruxi's own acting skills are concerned, she can do it freely, but Yuan is not a talented player. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, she pretended to work very hard, studied the script thoroughly, and left a blank space. Filled with notes.

    Seeing her appearance, I appreciate her more naturally, and those who hurt her still hurt her, but seeing her working so hard, the imbalance in my heart is much less.

    And He Wenxiu, who originally thought she was deliberately suppressing the show, saw this scene, and gradually faded away from this idea.

    Ruxi's hard work made the whole crew change slightly, the biggest change is Xiao Na who often gets together with her.

    Xiao Na's talent is much stronger than Ru Xiyuan's, but this girl is also very playful.

    Now under the influence of Ruxi, he can sit quietly for an hour or two, studying the script carefully.

    When encountering problems, she would ask Ruxi for advice, and Ruxi would tell her her opinions and ideas without reservation.

    The longer the two get along, the more Xiao Na likes Ru Xi.

    What Ruxi doesn't know is that Xiao Na's family actually has some background in Haishi, and there is a group of sisters chasing stars behind them.

    Originally, Xiao Na was looking forward to cooperating with He Wenxiu in the crew of "Shocking Clouds". Unexpectedly, when they met for the first time, He Wenxiu gave her a very bad impression. Later, she posted what happened to the sister group .

    Her little sisters were all on the same level as her, and when they heard that He Wenxiu had treated her like this, their impression of him was greatly reduced.

    There were still a few big fans of He Wenxiu among the little sisters, but they also lost their fans immediately.

    Xiao Na likes Ruxi, and she goes out of her way in the group. Almost 80% of the people in the group are brainwashed by her to become Ruxi's fans, and 20% of them also have a good impression of Ruxi.

    For a while, Ruxi's Weibo quietly entered several rich women fans.

    Of course, Ru Xi himself didn't know that he had snatched away a group of fans who originally belonged to He Wenxiu without knowing it.

    Still when she returned to the hotel where she was staying for a rest, systems that hadn’t existed for a long time jumped out one by one and told her about it. Only then did she know that although Xiao Na had no sense of presence in the original plot, she should have contacted He Wenxiu this time. Afterwards, became his die-hard fan.

    Even later when He Wenxiu and Ning Lu announced their relationship, it caused a great sensation. When many fans of He Wenxiu's girlfriends turned back, Xiao Na asked her little sister who is also a big fan of He Wenxiu to guide the fans' opinions, which saved He Wenxiu from a lot of trouble and loss.

    "Hmm... so I robbed his fans, will there be any serious consequences?" Ruxi sat on the sofa in the hotel and asked the system.

    The system replied hesitantly, "Probably not..."

    It was the first white lotus supporting system created by the main god, and the main god didn't impose too many task restrictions on it.

    "That's good." Ruxi smiled softly.

    Seeing her host's gentle and considerate appearance, the system felt like her more and more.

    "By the way, Yiyi, didn't you say that you can transform into a real body? Why have you never seen you transform?" Ruxi was a little puzzled.

    The system is a bit twitchy, "I'm not very proficient yet, I'm studying hard, when I can change, I will show the host as soon

    as possible~" "Okay." Ruxi glanced at it soothingly.

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