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Chapter 81

    Shen Xueer doesn't pay much attention to what's going on online.

    Before participating in "All the Way North", she herself did not have much fame.

    Although her acting skills are really amazing, and all the directors she has worked with have praised her, but her personality is not sociable, and there are not many people in the circle who are close friends.

    Those around her are almost all because of interests.

    She has few fans, and her manager Yao Fanshan basically manages Weibo.

    After "All the Way North" aired last week, she didn't attract many fans, and the Internet was full of negative reviews on her, which she still knew.

    Even though she was cold-hearted, she was still very uncomfortable seeing those comments that attacked and slandered her.

    Therefore, Shen Xueer even reduced her activities of observing network trends.

    She knew that although Yao Fanshan didn't like her very much, on the surface he still liked her very much.

    After all, she is the artist with the best qualifications under the opponent's hands. Except for her, the upper limit of the others is very low.

    Yao Fanshan pinned all her hopes on her.

    No matter how much he hated her in his heart, he had no choice but to hold her high for profit. This is the most realistic thing in the entertainment industry.

    Therefore, Shen Xueer is still very relieved about Yao Fanshan.

    Until after receiving the news from Ruxi.

    [Seeing that you are on the trending search...]

    [Just to congratulate you...]

    When she first saw the news, Shen Xueer thought the other party was mocking her.

    But after thinking about it later, I felt something was wrong.

    Since Ruxi said that she was on the trending searches, she must not be lying to her.

    But the meaning of these words seemed strange, which made her a little uncertain.

    Because of Wen Shanshan's incident, she has very complicated feelings towards Ru Xi, but she also knows that Ru Xi is not a person who is aimless.

    Unable to guess Ruxi's purpose, she directly logged onto Weibo, typed her name in the search box, and a series of topics popped up immediately.

    #沉雪儿rolling out of entertainment circle#, #沉雪儿金主#, #谭雪儿恶见观看#

    At first glance, Shen Xueer couldn’t help but pursed her lips tightly, and her eyes began to reveal danger signals when she looked at the mobile phone screen.

    Holding back her anger, she clicked into a topic, which was full of abuse and insults to herself, as if she had killed the other party's family.

    Her first reaction was that Ru Xi intentionally stimulated her to come over and read the attacking comments on her on the Internet.

    Just when her impression of Ruxi plummeted again, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

    It stands to reason that she doesn't check Weibo very much, so she doesn't know the online reviews about her.

    But it's impossible for Yao Fanshan and the others not to know, but no one told her about it.

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