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Chapter 29

    "According to what the investors said, they should plan to continue investing in this drama. Such a big scandal involving the female lead of the crew will have a great impact on the crew, so they probably won't release the news. If you take over No matter what the crew says, their previous promotion has already been released, and there will definitely be many people attacking you." Yuan Ting said very objectively.

    "Yes." Ruxi agreed.

    The loudspeaker played on her side was heard by the other three.

    After explaining, they suddenly realized.

    "If Bai Yan leaves the film crew and chooses another actress who is similar to her, then the scene will be suppressed." Yuan Ting expressed her thoughts again.

    "Well, I understand." Ru Xi could think of it herself, but she let the other three understand the reason through Yuan Ting's mouth.

    Yuan Ting continued, "However, the first time Director Luo and the others thought of letting you play the role, it probably means that they value you very much. It's not good to just refuse. Well, I'll help you find someone with the latest schedule. For a play, you tell Director Luo and the others that the schedule is bumped."

    "Okay, thank you, sister Ting." Ruxi also thought of this method, and Yuan Ting's proposal was exactly what she wanted.

    After hanging up the phone, Ru Xi looked at the other three, "How is it? Do you understand?"

    Zhou Qing nodded.

    She has been an assistant in the entertainment industry for so long. Although she didn't think it through at the time, she must have understood it immediately when she heard the explanation.

    Ning Lu and Zhou Yue are not stupid either, they admire Ru Xi even more.

    "Ruxi, you are too smart." Ning Lu stared.

    Ruxi looked at her dumbfounded.

    After thinking about the words, Ruxi replied to Director Luo through WeChat.

    Knowing that Ruxi's schedule could not be opened, Director Luo could only regretfully reply "Yes".

    On He Wenxiu's side, the people sent to investigate Ruxi and Wang Yuanyuan also came up with results.

    He couldn't wait to use his mobile phone to watch, but found that the two had no communication.

    He Wenxiu couldn't help being a little skeptical about life.

    After three days, the crew of "The Legend of Huang Ze" restarted.

    Actors like Ruxi also received new scripts.

    The main line of the script has not changed much, but a very vicious female supporting character who is still online the whole time and dies in the end is suddenly inserted in the middle.

    Almost all actors who received new scripts were at a loss.

    When they received the notice and returned to the filming location of the film crew, they found that an unexpected person had also appeared on the scene.

    It's Bai Yan.

    "She didn't leave the crew? What's going on?" "This is too strange." The

    actors whispered.

    Bai Yan knew what people around her were discussing, but she had to do it.

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