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Chapter 155

    From the moment she entered the entertainment circle, Shen Xueer understood how she should go in the future.

    She has suffered all kinds of sufferings due to lack of money since she was a child, and nothing can bring her a sense of security more than money.

    It is precisely because of her rural background that she has an insight into the reality of this society at a very young age.

    From the death of both parents, penniless, to assets of hundreds of millions, the suffering in the process is beyond the imagination of others.

    Entering the entertainment industry is only because I learned from those "friends" that I know that being a celebrity is one of the most lucrative professions.

    What's more, she later became very clear about how talented she is in acting.

    In her heart, no one can stop her footsteps.

    She will defeat everyone who stands in the way!

    Until when she was auditioning for the heroine of "Dawn", she met Ru Xi, who she once hated very much.

    She knew that people in the entertainment circle were all hypocrites, and Ruxi was the most hypocritical among them.

    Shen Xue'er disdained to associate with this kind of people, looking at a group of people who were clearly competitors but getting along happily, she was more disgusted with this kind of hypocrisy.

    Since they are competing for the same thing, why waste time on such useless social interactions?

    As long as she has enough strength, she is qualified to speak, just like the attitude of those who debuted with her towards her.

    This is what she has always believed in.

    It's a pity that in the next audition, Shen Xueer discovered that this Ruxi was stronger than her, although she didn't want to admit it at all.

    The role that she thought was safe and secure fell into the hands of the other party, which made Shen Xueer vigilant and resentful.

    When they met again, it was on a variety show, which was a resource given to her by the company.

    At that time, Ruxi had already become popular, but for Shen Xueer, she was a stumbling block to steal her role.

    She couldn't help revealing her dislike when they met in the first day of junior high school.

    Especially with Ruxi's seemingly worried but actually provocative look, Shen Xueer hated this person even more.

    But throughout the show, everyone else was on Ruxi's side. Although it wouldn't cause her frustration, it couldn't stop her from hating Ruxi.

    She didn't try to cover it up, so everyone else in the program group could see it.

    These people were all deluded by Ru Xi's hypocritical appearance, and they really thought she was a very good person.

    But who is she, Shen Xueer? She has been in society for so many years, how could she not see through Ruxi's appearance?

    So she has always maintained her attitude towards Ru Xi, even if she feels rejection from other people, she will not waver.

    It's just that she didn't expect that in the end she still fell...==

    This is how it happened.

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