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Chapter 58

    "One, two, three, four...seven, well, here it is." Yang Yingying smiled and looked at the shed in front of her.

    "Then let's go in and ask." Li Dan and the others looked at each other, and finally turned to Ruxi.

    Ru Xi nodded affirmatively.

    This is the only option they have at the moment.

    Unfamiliar with life and place, coupled with no money in hand, it is almost impossible to do anything.

    This shed has only one curtain, which is now clamped to the side.

    As soon as Ruxi and the others arrived at the door, they were discovered by the people inside.

    Such a vast expanse, all of which looked like young girls, attracted attention wherever they walked.

    Before they could make a sound, a sentence came from inside, "Who are you looking for?" The

    voice of the speaker was clear and clear, and he sounded very young.

    As the words fell, she came out from inside.

    As soon as they arrived at a place where everyone could see clearly, after seeing each other, the faces of everyone under the camera showed a look of surprise.

    One of the cameramen slowly shifted the camera to the person in the shed, and her face was completely exposed under the camera.

    The camera guy finally understood why the artists praised her. This girl looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, but she has a tall figure and a delicate appearance, just like the little fairy Benxian that contemporary netizens often talk about.

    Ruxi looked at the girl with eyes of admiration, and then she did not forget to explain the purpose of her group of people to the other party.

    But I didn't want the girl to look at her, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face, "You are sister Ruxi! Are you recording a program?"

    Unexpectedly, the other party recognized Ruxi with just one glance, and all the artists looked at each other As he spoke, surprise flashed across the faces under the mask.

    Ruxi didn't expect that this girl would recognize her with just one look at her. This kind of very determined look made her unable to deny her at all.

    She took off her mask, with a helpless smile on her face, "Hello."

    Seeing the whole picture of Ruxi, the girl could not bear the joy on her face, and bit her lips nervously.

    The girl didn't speak, neither did the others, and the atmosphere fell silent.

    After a few seconds, the girl suddenly remembered something, "By the way, sister, what did you just say?" The

    other party's intimate performance made everyone understand that this girl is still a fan of Ruxi.

    Ru Xi repeated, "May I ask if there are female workers who cut cabbage here? We want to apply for a job."

    Seeing that she didn't play the emotional card, the staff at the back gave up the idea of ​​sending them to other places.

    "Applied for the job of cutting cabbage?!" The girl glanced at the faces of Ru Xi and other entertainers in surprise.

    It seems to be saying, are you kidding me?

    Ning Lu couldn't sit still anymore, and took off her mask, "We're serious, we don't have money to eat now, and we can't find other jobs nearby. Someone recommended us to cut cabbages, or we can just pull radishes."

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