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Chapter 140

    After Ruxi's birthday, it came to the beginning of February, and the Spring Festival was getting closer and closer.

    Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

    The box office of "Murderous" is not bad, because the fame has already been spread, and the influence on the masses is also great.

    However, it was chosen in the season of January, except for the light of the winter vacation in the later period, the traffic is not very large in normal times.

    Coupled with the reason of low ticket prices, the box office has almost reached 1.8 billion in one month.

    However, under the coordination of the producer, the release of this film was delayed for half a month.

    It is worth mentioning that "Qing Xin" starring Ru Xi was nominated for the Ling Zhi Award not long after it aired.

    The Lingzhi Award, a TV drama award, is similar to the Phoenix Award in the film industry.

    But the difference is that the Phoenix Award is the benchmark in the film industry, and among the TV drama awards, in addition to the Lingzhi Award, there is also a Golden Feather Award of the same status.

    However, the weights of these two awards are different.

    One is more inclined to the acting skills of TV drama actors, and the other is more concerned with the overall effect of TV dramas. The overall effect, of course, also includes the traffic results achieved.

    Therefore, in the eyes of the public, the actors who won the Lingzhi Award represent the absolute level of acting skills.

    The Golden Feather Award does not have that much gold content.

    "Qing Xin" will win the Lingzhi Award, which is also expected by everyone.

    The TV series produced by Jingshu will of course maximize its benefits.

    Besides, the production effect of this drama is really good, and the ratings have reached a very high level.

    However, relatively speaking, the Lingzhi Award is still more popular in the film and television industry.

    Ruxi is currently only involved in movies and TV dramas in the entertainment industry. As for the music industry and variety show industry, she has no plans to enter the entertainment industry.

    Compared with singing and hosting, she herself prefers acting.

    From the perspective of Jingshu's senior executives, Ruxi was born for acting. If she disperses her energy to other places, her results may not be better than focusing on acting.

    Therefore, in the default of everyone, Ruxi will only develop in the film and television fields in the future.

    If she rises to the top line and has other plans, that's another story.

    The first movie starring Ru Xi won the Best Actress Award at the Phoenix Awards, and the first idol drama also won the Best Actress in the Idol Drama Awards at Qingmangtai, although this is just a basically nothing Gold title.

    When it was her turn to star in the first drama, she naturally couldn't lose her style.

    In the Lingzhi Award and the Golden Feather Award, Jing Shu still maintained her blind trust in Ruxi, and directly voted for "Qing Xin" for the Lingzhi Award.

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