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Chapter 66

    Ru Xi talked with Yuan Ting on the phone.

    She was particularly surprised to hear that Ruxi had inquired about such news.

    After all, in Yuan Ting's view, although Ru Xi is smart and talented in acting, she hasn't been in the industry for too long, and she doesn't know a lot of contacts. There are many things in the entertainment industry that she can't detect.

    But this time, Ruxi got the news faster and more accurately than she did not know where.

    After hearing from Ru Xi, Yuan Ting analyzed that what she said was true.

    And Ruxi's organization is clear, and the direction of analysis is also very correct.

    With these clues, the next target to be locked is clear, and it is her turn to play a role.

    The time to announce the finalists for the Phoenix Awards is getting closer.

    Under Yuan Ting's arrangement, Ru Xi took on several guest roles in variety shows.

    Now she is not what she was at the beginning, and her status in various variety shows has also changed significantly with the promotion of her coffee status.

    For example, when she first came to this world, when she was recording a variety show, although the program crew also behaved politely, many times, it could be seen that they were careless.

    Now her popularity has become so popular that she will be overwhelmed by other people's stars on any show.

    After all, an individual can see what Ruxi's future potential is.

    In less than a year, he was promoted from outside the third line to the second line in vain. The speed of this upgrade is like riding a rocket.

    This is the situation that everyone still doesn't know that "Dawn" starring Ruxi is about to be shortlisted for the Phoenix Award.

    If she knew that she had just settled in the second line, she was about to hit the first line, and I don't know how many people's jaws would be shocked.

    It's not that there are geniuses like Ruxi in the entertainment industry, but no matter how talented they are, they need a certain amount of luck.

    As for Ruxi, besides being a genius, her fortune is not generally strong.

    In the eyes of everyone in the entertainment industry, as long as Ru Xi doesn't die, she will undoubtedly rise to the top in the next few years.

    When it comes to the front line of the future, everyone's thoughts are surprisingly unanimous, that is two words - hold.

    Among the recorded variety shows, except for two that will be broadcast in the next episode, the others will be shown immediately after recording.

    The streamers soon discovered that Ruxi's recent business was much more active than usual, and they were all happy and encouraged.

    At the same time, Yuan Ting and Jing Shu's team secretly began to investigate those locked targets.

    The character of celebrities is basically transparent in the entertainment industry.

    Everyone in it has a thick network of relationships. Maybe a little assistant you know is a good friend with someone who is close to a big star.

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