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Chapter 38

    Even though Li Sayu's assistants were pulling him to signal from behind, the disdain on Ning Lu on his face was still clearly seen by everyone.

    A few people who are particularly sensitive to gossip radar have already looked at each other with meaningful eyes.

    Regarding this situation, Ru Xi was also a little puzzled.

    This Li Sayu should have never been in contact with Ning Lu before, right? How could you be so cold-eyed as soon as you come up?

    A system that hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly appeared.

    "Host, Li Sayu is the male supporting role. In the plot, the heroine had a bad reputation at the beginning, and he hated the heroine very much. After getting in touch with her, he will fall in love with the heroine!" After

    being mentioned one by one, Ru Xi finally pulled out the plot that was eating ashes in his mind.

    In the original plot, Li Sayu is indeed the male supporting role.

    As the heroine and in the entertainment circle, how could Ning Lu not attract a few admirers?

    Probably because she is used to life in this world, and the plot has long been messed up by her completely differently.

    So Ruxi always ignores the original plot.

    If Yiyi hadn't come out occasionally to remind her, she probably wouldn't have thought about the plot.

    Since the male supporting role is destined to take this kind of route, first hate it and then change it.

    Ru Xi shook her head in her heart, and didn't care anymore.

    Li Sayu's superficial dislike made everyone curious about Ning Lu.

    Of course, she is the female supporting role of the crew after all, so I don't know if there is a background behind her.

    Everyone didn't dare to deliberately trip Li Sayu because of her.

    What's more, the other party is accompanied by Ru Xi!

    Judging from the familiar way the two get along, one can tell that Ru Xi likes her quite a lot.

    It's just a coincidence.

    In the same crew, the male number one hates the female number two, and the female number one likes the female number two, and in the plot, the female number two is the younger sister of the female number one, which is equivalent to the male number one's younger sister.

    Such a tangled relationship made everyone worry.

    When it's filming time, nothing will happen, right?

    Soon, reality told them that this idea was wrong.

    Because before filming, when filming the promotional video, something went wrong.

    The plot of the idol drama "Crew Heart Candy" is very simple, it is about the sweet love story between the hero and heroine.

    The second heroine is mixed in the middle, which is the love branch of the heroine's sister.

    Then there are other female partners who like the male protagonist, and other male protagonists who like the female protagonist, interspersed in the middle to make things happen.

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