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Chapter 138

    Going out to play, but met Yang Wei, and such an untimely incident happened, after Ruxi returned to the apartment, she didn't plan to go out again.

    Bored in the apartment, Ruxi practiced her skills every day, and read news and gossip online in her free time.

    As time went on, the suicide of the screenwriter of "Murderous" had less impact on her.

    People should really look forward.

    Ruxi sighed a little in her heart, but she was also glad that she was lucky enough to come here.

    Thinking about it this way, her ability to control her own psychology still needs to be strengthened.

    Even if it is affected, it cannot always rely on external awakening.

    She still has a long way to go, and she will inevitably encounter the same or even more out of control things in the future.

    Fortunately, after playing the film "Demon", she has a deeper understanding of her acting skills, and she can gradually control her awareness of empathy.

    As long as she moves in this direction, the chances of her encountering such problems in the future will be much, much smaller.

    Director Zhang Ming still has a long time to go to the show, and there are almost no recent announcements. Ruxi thought about it, and picked up the live broadcast that hadn't been seen for a long time.

    After announcing the live broadcast time on Weibo, Ruxi started to prepare.

    She has always only shared her daily life with fans when doing live broadcasts, and she will not add commercial elements to engage in some casual delivery.

    It just so happens that there are fans of Xiliu or Yiyi who complained on her Weibo that they haven't seen Yiyi for a long time.

    This live broadcast just happens to let everyone see it.

    Anyway, one by one is very friendly to humans who like it.

    It has been a long time since the last live broadcast, so long that Ru Xi, who could only be regarded as a small star, has become the queen of the Phoenix Award in both worlds.

    Streams are also gathering more and more, the only thing that remains the same is the fanatical love for Ruxi.

    The live broadcast went very smoothly.

    Just a few days before New Year's Day, Ruxi took the opportunity to hold a small lottery and distributed some small gifts to fans as New Year's gifts.

    The response of the foundation is pretty good.

    Of course, the live broadcast didn't take up most of Ruxi's time. It happened to be the new year of the Gregorian calendar, and the Ru's Fund was also coordinating the film salary she earned this year, and then invested half of the agreed upon agreement with Ruxi into the foundation.

    Ruxi also needs to cooperate.

    Before New Year's Day comes, Ruxi will gradually start to get busy again.

    "Murderous" will be released soon.

    This time, perhaps at the request of Li Rong, the advertisement was played very low-key, and the crew did not do any publicity except on Weibo.

    But as things like winning the Grand Slam at the Phoenix Awards this time and publishing a screenwriter's posthumous work, "Murderous" doesn't need much publicity at all, it is already well known by everyone.

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