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Chapter 15

    These male and female protagonists are really interesting, one hates her so much, and the other likes to get close to her.

    She remembered that in the original plot, the original body was not very liked by the heroine, so why did the heroine take the initiative to join her instead?

    This question is really unsolvable.

    But the system suddenly jumped out, "Host, are you worrying about the hero and heroine?"

    "Huh?" Ru Xi smiled, "I'm just a little bit emotional, this hero is not as smart as in the original plot."

    "I don't quite understand either. The male lead does look a little silly. Maybe the world line is at fault. After all, he discovered something wrong with the female lead before the host came. Although the host didn't approach the female lead as in the plot. , but the hostess took the initiative to lean over, thus rounding the middle."

    "So that's how it is..." Ru Xi nodded thoughtfully.

    "Then, the heroine took the initiative to approach me, is it also affected by the world line?" The

    system is not sure this time, "It is possible, but it seems that the heroine likes the host very much, but it doesn't seem like it."

    One person, one system, They didn't connect this matter to Ruxi's personality charm.

    Assistant Zhou Qing knocked on the door, "Xixi, you haven't packed your things? Do you need my help?"

    "It's packed, can I go?" Ruxi asked.


    Hearing this, Ru Xi pushed her big suitcase and went out.

    After returning to Beijing, Ruxi first reported her safety to the film crew who cared about her.

    Thinking of Ning Lu's video in the morning, he sent her a voice message again, saying that he had arrived in Beijing, but also euphemistically said that he was a little tired and hoped to make an appointment another day.

    Of course Ning Lu understood the fatigue on the way, and quickly sent a considerate message to let Ruxi take a good rest first.

    The distance from Haishi to Beijing is relatively long. Although the seats in the nanny's car are comfortable, they can't stand sitting for a long time.

    Zhou Qing followed her back to the apartment, helped her tidy up the apartment, and hung up the clothes in the suitcase before leaving.

    Ruxi made a simple dinner for herself, watched a movie for a while after eating, took a bath with essential oil, and fell asleep comfortably.

    When I woke up the next day, I received a lot of WeChat messages on my muted phone, especially the newly created crew group, the messages had reached 99+, and these people were so active at night.

    After finally reading the messages one by one and replying, Ru Xi washed up and made breakfast.

    Just as I sat down and was about to start, someone called again.

    Picking up the phone and looking, it turned out to be Yuan Bo's brother.

    Yuanzheng's elder brother is Ruzheng, who is five or six years older than Yuanzheng. After several years of experience in Ru's company, he has risen to the level of a manager.

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