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Chapter 152

    After Liu Xun terminated the contract with Guanlian Entertainment, Liu Ye quickly picked him up.

    Moreover, Liu Xun's depression was already serious, and taking medicine halfway would not help.

    There is no doubt that Liu Ye's purpose in entering this circle is to help his cousin find out the truth about his voice being poisoned.

    However, it is true that he gradually fell in love with the profession of director in the middle of the film.

    Regarding Liu Xun's case, he has never found a place to start.

    The "murderer" who was pushed out to take the blame (according to his cousin himself) was about to be released from prison, and Liu Ye had already found out about it.

    If you want to find the truth, you should be able to get a lot of information from this person.

    So Liu Ye came over early to guard.

    He was still relatively careful, because this "murderer" might still be connected with the real murderer, so he hid far away in order not to be noticed.

    It's just that he didn't expect that what he expected turned out to be true.

    As soon as the man was released from prison, he was taken away by a car coming from behind.

    When Liu Ye was in a hurry, he hurriedly followed.

    The bodyguards and drivers who followed Ruxi were very experienced people, and it didn't take long for them to realize that someone was following them.

    Ruxi originally wanted to let them get rid of her, but after thinking about it carefully, the people who followed them probably didn't know her existence.

    Most likely, the other party is also targeting this man who has just been released from prison.

    Liu Xun has long since passed out in the circle, and there should be no media who would spend a lot of time to guard the news for such a matter.

    They checked the man's family earlier and found that the other's wife had passed away long ago, leaving no children, and he had no close relatives.

    The identity of the person behind seemed a bit suspicious.

    Therefore, after the driver explained the situation, Ru Xi made a decision to ask them not to disturb each other for the time being.

    The two cars came together, and they also left together. In other people's eyes, the two cars must be together.

    In fact it is.

    So under Ru Xi's indulgence, Liu Ye managed to follow Ru Xi's car behind him, without realizing that he had long been exposed to the sight of the people in front of him.

    The three cars were traveling smoothly all the way and came to a nearby restaurant.

    Ru Xi had already prepared for it, she was wearing very loose clothes, and her dress was completely different from her usual style.

    Then change her own temperament, so that people can't see that this person is the hottest female artist in Huaguo's entertainment industry today.

    Even the surrounding bodyguards were changed under Ru Zheng's reminder, which can be described as comprehensive.

    Guessing that the people following behind would be unable to hold back, Ru Xi directly ordered the man to be taken out of the car.

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