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Chapter 92

    "This person is disgusting!"

    Seeing Yan Yan's reply, Zhou Qing and the other fans who were sneaked away were furious, and turned their anger to Jingshu and Ruxi's fans, and couldn't calm down at all.

    "Did she do it on purpose? Now she has achieved her goal!" Zhou Qing almost wanted to expose Yan Yan's conspiracy directly by using the trumpet she logged into.

    Fortunately, the surviving sanity prevented her from doing so.

    Ruxi had already guessed that she would have such a showy operation, otherwise she would "work hard" to match herself, wouldn't it be a waste of affection?

    "The strangest thing to me is that Yan Yan must know that she can't hide it from the company. Since she still chooses to do this, does she have other plans?"

    She pondered for a while, picked up her mobile phone and sent Yuan Ting a message message.

    After her reminder, Zhou Qing also thought of this along the way.

    "Xixi, are you saying that Yan Yan plans to quit?"

    Not long after Zhou Qing finished speaking, a notification sound came from Ruxi's phone.

    "Sure enough, Yan Yan's contract with the company has less than one year left."

    Then everything makes sense.

    "Sister Ting should also have doubts, and the company should know about it, so we don't need to worry about it anymore."

    Ruxi took a last look at the "out of control" tablet, and ran to her Weibo to insult Yan Yan fan trumpet, put it aside, went to the bathroom to take a shower.

    Only Zhou Qingyu was still indignant, holding her breath to watch what Yan Yan's fans were doing.

    Yiyi next to her didn't quite understand her psychology, and innocently tilted her head and let out a "meow".

    Why bother to find anger for yourself? See how calm the host is.

    To be honest, when Yan Yan did such a thing, he knew that he had no room for turning back.

    But she didn't expect that Jingshu's reaction would be so fast.

    She has tried her best to control her fans, and even asked her assistant to go off the stage in person, hook up with the fans, and explain to them the "unfair" things the company did.

    To be on the safe side, they even asked the fans to restrain the fans below, not to make too much noise, and not to go to Ruxi and the company's official blog to make trouble, lest the company will become suspicious.

    As for the comments on her own Weibo, didn't she take the initiative to appease her?

    Those are the fans' own remarks, and of course it has nothing to do with her.

    What's more, her fans only commented on her Weibo, and didn't bother Ru Xi, so it wasn't a big deal.

    Since several incidents before, her Weibo account has been managed by herself and her assistant.

    It is very simple to control the orientation.

    Therefore, before she received a call from the company's top management, she did not expect that her actions had been known.

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