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Chapter 149

    Searching the mountain is more troublesome, whether it is for the police who need to open the way and search, or for Ning Lu's parents.

    Even Zhou Qing and Yan Yan were a little impatient.

    Ru Xi often practices dancing and martial arts, her foundation is there, but she is not as hypocritical as they are.

    Seeing that Ning Lu's parents had difficulty getting up, Ru Xi hurriedly helped her along.

    As for Zhou Qing and Yan Yan, they are not very old, and the bodyguards protecting them are all men, so there is no special treatment.

    Their luck was not very good. They climbed up all the way, but they didn't find it.

    When I turned over and was about to meet another group of people, I finally heard the movement.

    "There seems to be something wrong here!"

    It was a senior police officer who spoke.

    When everyone heard him speak, they hurried over there.

    After passing by, I saw him squatting on the ground, studying some traces carefully.

    The other policemen hurried up.

    I don't know how they fiddled with it. After a while, it seemed that they had discovered something and followed some traces in one direction.

    The last stop is a gentle slope.

    It doesn't look like an unusual gentle slope.

    However, just because it looks normal on the ground doesn't mean it's normal underground.

    Ruxi and the others were on the periphery, protected by bodyguards, while the police gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

    They are very sure that there should be something similar to a basement in this underground area.

    However, if He Wenxiu really captured Ning Lu here.

    For the safety of the hostages, they can't do anything casually, they have to fully understand the situation.

    How to find the passage to the basement here is also a problem.

    Moreover, according to Ruxi's description, He Wenxiu should have some mental problems, which is also very threatening to the captive girls.

    After discussing for a long time, in the end they had no other choice but to try to find out the place first.

    If it has been spent here, it will be a kind of suffering for everyone.

    Soon, the police brought in hoes and other things borrowed from the village.

    Many policemen began to dig in this area.

    There were quite a few of them, and they quickly dug up a metal object.

    After walking along that piece for a long time, the true face of this piece was finally exposed to everyone.

    It turned out to be an alloy code door!

    Now it was finally determined that He Wenxiu should indeed have brought Ning Lu into this place.

    The police discussed it again, and decided to try to see if they could open the alloy door first.

    There are quite a few capable people among these policemen, and they quickly used the tools they carried on their bodies to set out the password.

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