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Chapter 93

    Most of the crew didn't know what happened yesterday, only the director Xu Ze was reminded by the people above.

    So when Yan Yan came out today, there were still many people around him.

    But Yan Yan was uncharacteristically indifferent to everyone, and he was in a very bad mood at first glance.

    Chen Xinling, who was still with her yesterday, didn't want to make her suffer, so she made excuses to stay away.

    Not long after he came out, Yan Yan was about to play.

    On the stage, Yuan Qingxin's child had a miscarriage, and the court lady went to invite the imperial doctor.

    Then it was time for the concubines to appear.

    The queen played by Yan Yan and the imperial concubine played by Chen Xinling are all inextricably linked to Yuan Qingxin's loss of a child.

    Yuan Qingxin has been in the palace for a long time, and she has a complete understanding of many things in the harem, so how could she not understand that the child in her belly died strangely.

    It's just that facing this harem full of snakes and scorpions, she is controlled by others and has no power. How can she seek justice for her child?

    She pinned her only hope on the emperor, but the imperial concubine deliberately pointed out that the emperor was resting with another beauty, which made Yuan Qing feel ashamed.

    This is the front end and introduction of the heroine's turning point.

    There is no pressure for Ru Xi to play this part.

    On the contrary, today's Yan Yan is basically out of shape.

    Seeing Yan Yan with a frequently wrong expression on the monitor, Xu Ze guessed something, and exchanged glances with the assistant director next to him.

    The assistant director has worked with him for a long time. He has a fierce face, a loud voice, and is not afraid of offending people. He is a good hand at playing bad faces.

    Seeing that Yan Yan was not in the state, he was irritable, but after knowing what Xu Ze meant, he shouted "ka" impatiently.

    But facing a first-line actress, he is still relatively restrained.

    "Yan Yan, did you not sleep well yesterday? Why is your emoji offline all the time today?"

    Although he said it in a tactful way, it was a great shame to Yan Yan.

    When the assistant director said this, the people around were all prudent and silent.

    As for Yan Yan himself, his expression changed on the spot.

    Just looking at so many people around her, she used to pretend to be very good, and she really didn't want to ruin her image.

    After holding back for a long time, she suppressed the breath in her heart, smiled forcedly, and went down the donkey, "I'm sorry, Director Zhao, I really didn't have a good rest yesterday." The

    assistant director choked up a bit, and looked at Xu Ze.

    Xu Ze made a light voice, "Since you haven't had a good rest, let's go off to rest for a while, I just hope that you can return to the state when you come back."

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