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Chapter 127

    What kind of people can really provide them with benefits?

    Anyone who is a little more sober will laugh without saying a word.

    Ever since, after Ruxi resumed her "retreat", Yuan Ting received a lot of invitations.

    It wasn't until after Ruxi successfully came out of the retreat that she learned from Yuan Ting about the invitations she received recently.

    After reading the list sent by Yuan Ting, Ruxi felt an inexplicable and strange feeling in her heart.

    In her previous life, she climbed up from the bottom step by step and down-to-earth.

    It is precisely because of this that she has been influenced by the circle at that time.

    In the eyes of insiders, fashion is an essential quality for a star.

    But it is not easy to really enter the fashion circle.

    I don't know how many celebrities have been ridiculed by the crowd for wearing out-of-season dresses or dresses that don't match their status when attending certain events.

    Although such a thing has never happened to Ruxi, she is very concerned about it.

    It wasn't until this moment, when she saw the list, that she realized a truth.

    It is difficult for celebrities to enter the fashion industry, but it is not necessarily the case if you change to another identity.

    Before, she wanted to hide her identity. In order not to be seen by others, she still had the same idea as in her previous life, entered the fashion circle, and obtained those resources.

    But for her now, everyone has realized that her identity is not simple.

    Even if she casually wears tens of millions of high-end dresses in the future, it will be normal in the eyes of everyone.

    That being the case, why does she have to do these unnecessary things?

    It's better to spend this time on things that you really care about, such as acting.

    After thinking it over, Ru Xi sighed lightly, and then told Yuan Ting about her decision.

    "Reject all of them?" Yuan Ting, who was listening to the phone, subconsciously frowned.

    These are all invitations that other actresses flock to and cannot ask for...

    But for a moment, she suddenly remembered Ruxi's other identity.

    That's right, as the daughter of the Ru family, Ruxi doesn't need to be like other actresses to curry favor with the fashion circle.

    And these invitations that came after An Yunxi vaguely revealed Ruxi's identity, isn't it just a kind of evidence?

    Yuan Ting immediately understood Ruxi's thoughts.

    "Okay, I'll deal with it right away." Yuan Ting agreed without hesitation.

    It's easy to deal with such trivial matters. As for Ruxi, she just needs to do what she wants to do quietly.

    Knowing that Yuan Ting understood her thoughts, Ru Xi relaxed a lot.

    There are only two days before the start of director Liu Ye's new movie, and Ru Xi has already made all the preparations.

    two days later.

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