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Chapter 143

    The topic of Ruxi's identity climbed higher and higher.

    What is strange is that none of Ruxi and all the people related to her came out to speak out.

    Even her die-hard fans.

    It's not that Xiliu are not shocked, they are absolutely no less shocked than other netizens.

    It's just that they don't know what to say for a while.

    If they knew that Ru Xi was the daughter of the Ru family, wouldn't they be happy? That is impossible.

    After all, the idol I'm a fan of is so good in every aspect, and now with the addition of a layer of top giants' filter, the character design is simply amazing.

    To say they were very, very excited would be an exaggeration.

    This identity didn't have much influence on them, at most it made them like Ruxi a little bit more.

    I don't know why, seeing netizens so exaggeratedly obsessed with Ruxi's identity, they can't understand it at all.

    Didn't they already know that Xixi of their family is a wealthy family? Why did she appear so exaggerated after learning that she was from the Ru family?

    Although this matter was related to their idol, it seemed to them that it was no big deal.

    Of course, there are still quite a few fans who have just become fans of Ruxi, or are fans of Ruxi passers-by, and their mentality is not as calm as that of Xiliu.

    In the entertainment circle, which star doesn't pack himself up?

    There are even fans of many celebrities who will feel a lot of superiority because of their idol status, and make some personal settings for their idols that "if you don't work hard, you will go back to inherit the family business", which sounds like you are superior to other celebrities.

    But in fact, the vast majority of celebrities, in fact, their families are at best little rich.

    Now that Ru Xi's identity has been uncovered, and it is learned that she is actually the daughter of the Ru family, compared to her, what are other celebrities?

    It's so weak, right? !

    Many fans of passers-by feel that they are too discerning, and the comments under this topic are basically not much different from other netizens.

    And Ru Xi's loyal fans, after watching the whole process, instead focused on other things.

    [Oh my god, Xi Bao actually donated in our name! /Crying]

    [She didn’t say anything 555...]

    [Why didn’t she tell us, she just did that, I was so touched to death/crying/crying]

    [She can always When I think she has done enough for us, refresh my tears again/cry loudly]

    [Don’t say anything, anyone who dares to touch this woman in the future, I will go to fight with others! ]

    [Wow, I found out for the first time that my tear point is so low...]

    [I always thought I was chasing stars, but now I know that I am doing charity/crying/crying]

    [Why in this world Such a perfect woman, I don’t know how to love her/crying loudly]

    [Sister is my eternal god! ]

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