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Chapter 11

    Xiao Na couldn't help it later, fearing that Ruxi would treat those girls who spoke ill of her as good people, so she took a chance and told Ruxi all about their slandering her behind her back.

    The next day, the crew filmed the last part of the scene in the old house.

    Ruxi had already proved herself with her strength the day before, and the crew looked at her with a lot more friendliness.

    People who basically treated her like nothing in the past now greet her when they see her.

    The plot of this last part of the play is probably that the hero can't find his parents around the house, all the servants are gone, and the valuables in the house are also swept away.

    Until the female partner, who had been paying attention to the movement in the old house, hurried over with someone and explained the whole story to them.

    It turned out that the hero's sister was taken by an enemy officer. He asked the hero's family to hand her over, but the hero's family refused to obey, so they angered the enemy. They surrounded him and took away his family members.

    Now the hero's parents and his sister are trapped in the prison of the enemy and cannot escape.

    At the same time, the hostess and the hostess found the last few maids in the old house who hadn't left yet, or in other words, had searched around the old house and hadn't had time to leave.

    These maids were played by those girls who mocked Ru Xi secretly yesterday.

    Wan Li, played by Ru Xi, was the first to discover them.

    Seeing several people carrying heavy bags in their hands and trying to run out through the side door, Wanli stopped them.

    This is obviously a very simple scene, but for some reason, those girls made frequent mistakes.

    Director Gu barely passed after yelling to get stuck a few times.

    Because when Ru Xi was acting, her back was facing the camera, so apart from these girls, no one knew that the way Ru Xi looked at them made their hair stand on end, so they couldn't help but NG.

    In the end, Gu Xianwen looked at several people with disgust in his eyes.

    If it weren't for the fact that they had appeared in previous episodes, if they were replaced, reshoots would be required, and he would have wanted to replace them on the spot.

    Seeing Director Gu's angry look, the girls hurried over to apologize to Director Gu after leaving the stage.

    "I'm sorry Director Gu, we didn't do it on purpose..."

    "That's right, Director Gu, just now...just now because..."

    They said, they glanced at Ruxi, "It's because Ruxi... "

    Listen, I don't care what Ruxi is like. What I see is that her performance is flawless. These NGs are all because of you guys. Your acting skills are not good. Don't blame others." Gu Xianwen directly interrupted the speeches of several people, and let them leave first with anger.

    Gu Xianwen is the director, he holds the absolute power of the crew, and he is also a bigwig in the entertainment industry, which made him have a bad impression, which will have a very bad impact on his future future.

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