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Chapter 106

    Not long after Ning Lu and Ru Xi hung up the video call, after being comforted by Ru Xi, she felt better and was about to wash her face before going to bed.

    The phone that had just been put down rang again.

    It was her manager Zhang Yun.

    Ning Lu had a bad feeling, but she still answered the phone.

    What the other person said was indeed a topic she didn't like, and it was related to He Wenxiu.

    Hearing Zhang Yun say that He Wenxiu locked herself in the house, she didn't want to come out, didn't eat or drink, and it was like this for a whole day.

    Of course, the first thing that came to her mind was anxiety, but after thinking about it, He Wenxiu always lied to her, and she didn't know if it was on purpose this time.

    Maybe it was to force her to get back together with him and to show her.

    Thinking of this, Ning Lu resolutely rejected Zhang Yun's request that Zhang Yuanshan wanted her to bring He Wenxiu out.

    In order to show her position, Ning Lu also made it clear to her firmly that she would draw a clear line with He Wenxiu in the future.

    The corner of Zhang Yun's mouth twitched, thinking how do you draw a clear line with him? As long as He Wenxiu thinks about it, you will never be able to draw a clear line with him.

    But she also knew that with Ning Lu's pure mind, if others didn't wake her up, she wouldn't think in this direction.

    Since Ning Lu is unwilling to go, her manager can't force her, after all, she has been taking her for so long.

    Even if you raise a small animal, you have feelings, let alone a person?

    Ning Lu's career is also in its infancy, if she is forced, it may have the opposite effect.

    As for He Wenxiu, Zhang Yun was a little skeptical.

    Her brother said that He Wenxiu locked herself in the house and never came out, nor did she eat or drink. It really sounded like she was going on a hunger strike to force Ning Lu back.

    Zhang Yun is a woman herself, of course she knows that with this method, even if it succeeds, the relationship between Ning Lu and him will not last long.

    The most important thing at present is to solve the most fundamental problems between them.

    I don't know if He Wenxiu can figure it out.

    She called Zhang Yuanshan back and told him all of Ning Lu's reply and her thoughts.

    When she hung up the phone, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, luckily the company didn't choose her to bring He Wenxiu.

    But then it occurred to him that He Wenxiu's manager was his own brother, so it didn't seem much different.

    Anyway, when an accident happened, when she was needed, she would be there. Ugh.

    The trending search that I managed to create attracted the attention of many people, but after a while, it was directly suppressed.

    This is something that Xiao Na and her best friends did not expect at all.

    According to Weibo's attitude, neither they nor He Wenxiu should offend anyone.

    Why did it suddenly become like this?

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