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Chapter 67

    As soon as Shen Xueer appeared on the show, she successfully attracted the firepower of all entertainer fans.

    Even fans with a more Buddhist personality can't help but curse secretly, "It's really annoying".

    Especially when Wu Yao said that she would take the people who came after her to draw gifts, her two words against Ru Xi and the program group ignited the entire barrage.

    [What a face? What's the matter, the show group is under her family's management? ]

    [Our Xixi is first come, first served, what's wrong? It's not enough for the program team to give you a gift, okay? ]

    [Mom, I've never seen a person with such a low EQ, speechless]

    [This is the first time we saw such an embarrassing expression on Brother Yao's face, this may be the first time in his career, touch Touching her head to express her love and affection]

    [How did this girl end up in the entertainment industry? Now I really suspect that she has a big background...] At first,

    everyone thought that Wu Yao's words blocked her back, so it should have stopped up.

    After all, I'm here to participate in the show, and the artist has a team anyway, so I can't say too much, I still have to think about it.

    But it never occurred to her that this Shen Xueer was safe enough to turn her head on Ruxi's cat regardless of other people's feelings.

    [emmm... I don't know if she is really vicious, or if her EQ is so low...]

    [I really want this Shen Xueer to leave, why target a cat? ]

    [I think she may just not be used to Ruxi, really...]

    How can the streams not see things that passers-by can see?

    Shen Xueer's blatant attack this time really made Xiliu completely blown up.

    [Hold the grass, Shen Xueer, can you get out of this show for me? ]

    [Shen Xueer, didn't your mother teach you what is polite? ]

    [No wonder I felt that the atmosphere was wrong from the very beginning. It turns out that Shen Xueer is really targeting our Xixi. Is there something wrong with her? ]

    [This Shen Xueer is jealous of our Xixi, right? ]

    [Shen Xueer get lost! ]


    Of course, there are quite a few radical and bad-tempered fans among them, and they swear a lot too much, and the barrage that involves personal attacks is directly blocked by the barrage assistant.

    Then, there was a scene in the show that made people call it a happy scene - Li Dan turned back the annoying Shen Xueer.

    Without waiting for the other party to speak, he directly ignored her move to turn to Wu Yao, which made everyone feel good.

    [Sister Dan did a great job! ]

    [Sister Dan is amazing! ]

    [Sister Dan made me so happy! ]

    [It's so cool, there can be more scenes like this! ]

    There are also some CP fans who secretly poke and eat sugar, and they are even more excited.

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