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Chapter 107

    Xiliu are concerned about the idol drama awards, but Ruxi has more things to be busy.

    For example, the pre-sale promotion of this issue of Lishang magazine she filmed, as well as the brand endorsement of Zhubai that the company just talked about, the first interview with the actress, and the most important filming of "Qing Xin".

    This is still the case when Yuan Ting brushed down many notices.

    That interview was invited by Beijing TV Station with an official background. Any star, as long as it is not too hard to think about, will not refuse.

    Even if Ruxi is so busy that she can barely find time, she has to attend.

    Fortunately, the interview was in Beijing, not other places farther away.

    For her going out, Xu Ze had expected it a long time ago.

    It's just that he didn't expect that Ru Xi would persist until this moment before starting to deal with it.

    The interview must be present in person. As for the others, Zhubai's endorsement advertisements are in the back, and the pre-sale promotion of Lishang magazine can be carried out online.

    After Ruxi was busy, she finally finished the interview and magazine pre-sale publicity, leaving the rest to professionals.

    The interview is okay, Ruxi has participated in it many times, and Beijing TV Station is not a place to watch traffic.

    However, the pre-sale of the magazine this time is of great significance to Ruxi.

    This is the first magazine she has photographed since her debut, and it is the first cover, which also represents the sales volume of this magazine. Most of the pressure is placed on her.

    However, Ru Xi obviously worried a little too much.

    For her magazine pre-sale this time, the streamers responded extremely enthusiastically.

    Not only that, after the promotion, on the day of the pre-sale, the sales volume reached more than 200,000 in half an hour, and many fans even complained that the network card could not be used at all.

    However, the pre-sale time is limited, and fans who have not grabbed it can only wait for the magazine to be officially released.

    After the magazine work was over, Ruxi continued to work on Zhubai's endorsement advertisement.

    As an international first-line luxury brand, Zhubai has always been very popular in Huaguo and surrounding areas.

    In addition to women's clothing, men's clothing, and handbags, its flagship products also have perfumes.

    Although it is only the brand endorsement of Huaguo District, Ruxi needs to know and do a lot.

    I have been busy for a long time, and when I returned to the crew, several days had passed.

    After that, it was overtime shooting.

    Due to the vacancy in the recent period, the crew suppressed a lot of scenes, waiting for her return as the lead actor.

    Ruxi is so busy that she can only sleep about six hours a day.

    It wasn't until the crew's scenes slowly caught up that she breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down her pace.

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