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Chapter 118

    Until Ning Lu and Ru Xi walked out of the villa's inner gate, He Wenxiu didn't look at them any more.

    But Zhang Yuanshan clearly felt the difference in his emotions.

    Sighing, Zhang Yuanshan didn't intend to intervene in the middle either.

    Now he just hopes that He Wenxiu can forget about Ning Lu as soon as possible. Since he broke up with Ning Lu, he hasn't appeared in front of fans for a long time. Those fans are almost rushing to Yu Jin's gate to ask important people in the company...

    Ruxi also has a lot of worries.

    She could tell at a glance that something was wrong with He Wenxiu.

    In He Wenxiu's eyes, there was unresolved emotion, murderous intent, and depression.

    No wonder Ning Lu said earlier that when she fell into the "Murderous Aura" heroine's eyes were the same as He Wenxiu's.

    He Wenxiu really has a problem, and the problem is definitely not small, maybe there is a psychological problem.

    Ru Xi wanted to tell Ning Lu, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

    If He Wenxiu can let Ning Lu go, let her know that this matter may make the situation worse.

    It's better to let her know nothing, because if she doesn't know, she won't be burdened.

    On the way back with Ning Lu, the two chatted all the way.

    Ning Lu also asked about the movie that Ruxi had accepted, and Ruxi told her what she could answer.

    "Can't commit a crime, can't kill, can't be killed, can't commit suicide?" Ning Lu repeated, her face full of doubts.

    She knew how to write each of these words, but when they were put together, how could it be completely incomprehensible?

    "What kind of world is this?"

    Seeing Ning Lu's innocent expression of confusion, Ru Xi chuckled, "Perhaps only the person who made up this world, or his kind would understand."

    Although she still didn't understand Ru Xi Xi's words, but Ning Lu still nodded.

    The time to go back passed quickly.

    When Ruxi returned to the apartment again, Zhou Qing was also there.

    Since she didn't come back yesterday, she asked him to come over sooner or later to help take care of Yi Yi.

    Yi Yi is now similar to an ordinary cat, but the stomach and intestines seem to be less delicate than when he first transformed.

    There are many toys for it at home, and even a tablet computer, on which it can surf and watch TV by itself.

    Of course, Yiyi won't show it when other people are around.

    I just push the tablet out coquettishly and let others operate it for me.

    The people around Ruxi are basically aware of its intelligent characteristics, and they know what it wants to do when they see it acting like a baby.

    As soon as she saw Ruxi coming back, Yiyi ran over excitedly, rubbed against Ruxi's feet, and asked Ruxi to smooth her hair for a while.

    Zhou Qing felt relieved when she saw the harmonious appearance of the main pet.

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