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Chapter 80

    After work in the evening, the performance of the artists made the audience feel amusing again.

    [The sisters are so cute and have great personalities]

    [What I like the most is that none of the eleven actresses is very delicate]

    [This is my favorite show this year]

    Dinner is I ate at the village secretary's house, and the large courtyard of the village secretary's house made the audience feel refreshed.

    [It’s a great atmosphere to gather in a courtyard to eat like this]

    [Fortunately, it’s not raining haha]

    [There are a lot of people] [It

    can’t be that the whole village has come]

    [There must be more than these people in a village, Didn’t the camera capture villagers walking in other directions before?]

    The camera swung past Ruxi, and one by one figures appeared in front of the audience.

    [My one by one flourishing beauty! ]

    [When did you pick it up? The program team went too far, and even cut out the pictures of our family one by one, so angry! ]

    [Program group, you are gone, think about how many viewers Yiyi drew for you in the last episode, and you dare to cut Yiyi's scenes, I want to complain to you! ]

    There are always a few people who pay attention to Yiyi, and after a while, other bullet screens squeeze him out.

    [Can't understand what the villagers are saying at all]

    [So enthusiastic, so many children]

    Ruxi and the others marched, surrounded by children.

    After taking their seats, two children eagerly clung to Ru Xi's side and asked her questions.

    [Yu'er in "The Legend of Huang Ze"? ]

    [It's Qin Yu! Xixi is really super beautiful inside, so beautiful! ]

    [These two girls are fans of Xixi at first sight]

    [Ning Lu also acted in "The Legend of Huang Ze", haha ​​was also recognized]

    The next clip can be seen as edited, the camera only shows a long shot of the dishes, and the scene of everyone eating is not well cut How much is left.

    On the contrary, there were a lot of chats after the meal.

    After a while, the camera cuts to Ruxi, who is communicating with two little girls.

    [cat eyes? what is this? ]

    [Scared us one by one]

    [One by one: cats are so cute, why do you pick their eyes? /Grievance]

    [Congratulations Yiyi has harvested two more fans]

    [It turned out to be a wild fruit]

    [Yiyi seems to really understand people's speech]

    [Cats also have IQ, it is normal to understand people's speech ]

    [But Yiyi's IQ is definitely one of the best in the cat world]

    Because Yiyi hasn't eaten yet, everyone bid farewell to the village party secretary's house and returned to the house where they stayed.

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