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Chapter 19

    Zhou Yue has only been in Yu Jin for a few days, and although she has a simple temper, it doesn't mean she is stupid.

    There are too many artists of all kinds in the entertainment industry, and it is really a great blessing to meet someone as unassuming as Ning Lu.

    If Li Yuanyuan came back, then she would be transferred in all likelihood, or she would continue to be a backup assistant, or follow other artists.

    She heard people who traveled with her say that it is rare to meet a good-natured person in the industry. If you do meet, you must abide by your own duties, don't make too much trouble, and let your artist maintain a good impression , so that the relationship can last for a long time.

    Zhou Yue thinks that if she lives in peace, even if she can't stay with Ning Lu in the future, she can at least make Ning Lu feel good about her. Maybe the company will consider her hard work and don't arrange for her to be too difficult to serve.

    Following Ruxi and the two in front came to the front desk and explained the situation.

    The front desk arranged for a receptionist to come out. Coincidentally, it was the same person who brought Ruxi just now.

    "Miss Ru?" She was a little surprised.

    "This is Ning Lu who just arrived, Yu Jin entertained." Ru Xi signaled to her that Ning Lu is the real master this time.

    "Miss Ning, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The receptionist quickly apologized to Ning Lu.

    Ning Lu waved her hand, "It's okay."

    Then she led Ning Lu and Zhou Yue to their room.

    Ning Lu took a chance and secretly asked the receptionist, "Excuse me, can the dormitory you arranged be exchanged with other people?

    " As long as the person agrees."

    "That's it." Ning Lu smiled with two small canine teeth, and her eyes sparkled.

    "Miss Ning, the practice room you have been assigned to happens to be with Miss Ru." The receptionist told her another piece of good news.

    "Really?!" Ning Lu was so happy that she almost jumped up.

    Because Ruxi and Zhou Qing had already known the distribution of the studios and confirmed that Ning Lu no longer needed her introduction, the receptionist left.

    After the people left, Ning Lu happily rushed to Ruxi's side, "Ruxi, can I live with you? Is that okay?"

    "Huh?" Ruxi raised her eyebrows.

    "I asked just now, you can change the room!" She said, and then remembered that she should ask Zhou Qing's opinion.

    So she turned her head and looked at Zhou Qing with bright eyes, "Sister Qing, can I change the bed with you?"

    Being stared at by such big eyes, Zhou Qing suddenly understood Ru Xi's feelings.

    She immediately became entangled, you say change it, the other party is an artist from the rival company, don't change it, it's not very human...

    Thinking, Zhou Qing kicked the ball to another assistant present, "I don't care , do you think Zhou Yue agrees?"

    "Ah?" Before Zhou Yue could react, the eyes of the other three were all on her.

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