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Chapter 87

    It would be easier to solve it with the friends in the circle, as long as she stated that this was her real decision, no one would disagree with her.

    At the same time, this video quickly fermented on the Internet.

    The topic of #竹溪被黑子力到报告will always be single in the future# has been very hot since it was first established, and it once aroused the empathy of other fans.

    [Heizi are really not human, although they are not Ruxi’s fans, but when I think that my idol has been persecuted like this before, I feel very distressed]

    [Ruxi’s fans must be going crazy, I saw them Now I am madly attacking those sunspots in the old topic, but after thinking about it, I feel that they are very pitiful. If my idol was forced to this point by the sunspots, I guess I would even have the idea of ​​tearing the sunspots apart. ]

    [Phenomena like this in the entertainment industry should really be taken care of. Although celebrities look very beautiful, they are really helpless when they encounter such things. I can only swallow my anger]


    The Ruxi fans who were mentioned by the comments really couldn't stand the blow after watching Ruxi's video, and started attacking those sunspots who had long since disappeared.

    For their favorite idols, most fans have a protective mentality.

    Now that their idols are being forced into this field by the sunspots, they feel sorry for Ru Xi, and of course they will not have a good attitude towards those sunspots who are the culprits.

    Even fans who are usually very Buddhist can't help swearing at others, let alone those active fans.

    The fans who were supposed to take good care of them all "fighted" to the front line, and the streams almost lost control.

    This kind of phenomenon, every time it happens, will make many people feel disgusted.

    But this time it happened to Ruxi fans who have always been more qualified, but it made many people who eat melons feel that it is justifiable.

    Even many ordinary netizens turned against sunspots.

    The changes of the streams were quickly captured by Jingshu's team, and then informed Yuan Ting and the others.

    Yuan Ting and Zhou Qing have been heartbroken by Ruxi's video for a long time, but they haven't thought about the fans yet.

    Now when he heard that the streams went crazy, he immediately regained his professional ethics.

    I hurriedly checked the fan group and the status on Weibo, and they were all shocked.

    In the past, because of Ruxi's Buddhist teachings, and because she had a smooth journey, she rarely got involved in black material, so the streams didn't have much worry, and they usually checked in on Ruxi's Weibo to boast and show cuteness, By the way, remind Ruxi to refuel and open.

    In such a state, although the fans seemed very rational, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it was definitely not very high in the entertainment industry.

    It can be seen from this sunspot incident.

    Ruxi's popularity is at its peak, but facing the rumors spread by those sunspots, the fans seem to be much weaker.

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