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Chapter 91

    The eyes of one or two "Zhaoyi" sitting next to each other were a little fluttering, and they seemed restless. They obviously didn't join the scene, so they could only bear it.

    Fortunately, they are not the protagonists of the scene, and neither the camera nor the director's attention is on them.

    Only Ruxi standing in the middle is the focus of the crowd.

    Before the filming started, the gentle temperament of Ruxi was obvious to all.

    After the scene was played, her temperament changed significantly, and the gentleness in her eyes instantly turned into anxiety and pitifulness.

    This was even faster than that nanny's speed.

    After being scolded, she trembled and knelt on the ground hastily.

    The camera was behind her at this time, and did not shoot her front.

    Xu Ze wanted to move one of the shots forward and capture Ruxi's frontal face, but after seeing Ruxi's slender and weak back in the shot, he suddenly changed his mind and let the back shot last for a while , before instructing another lens to pass.

    Before witnessing Ru Xi's shooting, Xu Ze didn't quite believe her.

    Just because you can act in a movie well doesn't mean that your acting skills are flawless.

    Many filming techniques and rhythms of movies and TV series are different, and even TV series are different from TV series.

    Some people can play a movie well, but can't find the knack for a TV series. Some people are superb in TV dramas, but they can't keep up with the rhythm of movies.

    Xu Ze knew that Ruxi had filmed a TV series, and it was a martial arts drama in ancient costume.

    But her character was designed by the same person from the beginning to the end, without much change, and even her age was not much different from Ruxi herself.

    As for the character of Yuan Qingxin, not only is her personality very different from Ru Xi's, but she also spans dozens of years, with many twists and turns.

    Ruxi can play her well in the early stage, but Xu Ze thinks that Ruxi's role in the later stage still needs some training from him.

    Even his assistant has the same idea as him.

    After seeing Ruxi's scene, Xu Ze suddenly had a different idea.

    Because he found that Ru Xi seemed to be full of drama.

    The back just now, besides being weak, also had a hint of tenacity.

    Her head was lowered, but her back was straight. Few people would notice this small detail.

    This is also the reason why Xu Ze delayed the shot just now.

    If it wasn't an accident, Xu Ze felt that maybe his previous view of Ruxi was too one-sided.

    The people under the camera are still performing with all their strength.

    Under the secret instigation of the imperial concubine, other concubines added fuel and jealousy, and the empress sat idly by, Yuan Qing's heart was splashed with dirty water, so he could only argue a few pitifully, and was interrupted by the imperial concubine with words that seemed kind but were actually very unfavorable to her up.

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