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Chapter 73

As time goes on, the sky in the show gradually darkens.

The performance also came to an abrupt end when everyone was still unsatisfied.

[! ! Why not? ]

Watching Ruxi lead the crowd to bow to the crowd and say the closing words.

After the interaction between the two parties, the audience slowly left.

In the end, only the girl from the previous day was left.

[! ! ! ]

[Why did I get nervous when I saw that girl? ]

[Is Ruxi really going to reveal her mask? How would that girl react? ! ]

[I don't want to show Xixi to others/cry loudly]

[My husband is mine! Don't show it to her! ]

[Sour and expectant...]

Especially when Ru Xi asked the girl to close her eyes, counted one, two, three, and then asked her to open them, the fans in front of the screen were completely jealous.

[Woooooo...why not me? ! ! ]

[Stop, stop! Don't show it to her! ]

[/Cha Lemon/Cha Lemon/Cha Lemon...]

[Such a gentle Xixi is mine! be mine! ]

The girl closed her eyes obediently, and Ru Xi took off the mask and reported the number.

As soon as the word "three" came out, the girl opened her eyes impatiently.

The girl on the screen was stunned in place, and her entire face changed from anticipation to bewilderment to shock to disbelief...

"My name is Ruxi." In the

end, the girl's face froze and became crazy, "Ahhhhh Ahh..." The

barrage followed her and began to scream.

[Ah! ! ! ]

[Ahhhh! ! ! ]

[Ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! Xixi is beautiful! ]

[I substituted this girl, ahhhhhhh! Happiness came so suddenly! ]

Then the girl was gently covered by Ru Xi, and the barrage completely exploded.

[Why is there such an intimate action? ! Why are you making me watch this? ! why why? ! /crying]

[I'm not allowed! Husband is not allowed to cover her mouth, let me go! /Crying loudly]

[I'm so sour, so sour, so sour...]

[Why do you have to cover for so long? Daughter-in-law can't stand kissing! Let me go! ]

[Cries out with a woof]

[I've never been so jealous of a person! ]

[I have absolute reasons to suspect that this girl did it on purpose, screaming on purpose, let us Xixi cover her mouth! ]

[I'm going to have a myocardial infarction]

Of course the time Ru Xi covered was not long, but in the eyes of the fans in front of the screen, this time was extremely long.

It wasn't until she let go of her hand for a long time that the barrage was still full of crying.

As a result, the conversation between Ruxi and the girl later had no sense of existence in the ears of the fans, because after that, the girl threw herself directly into the arms of their idol.

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