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Chapter 83

    In Huaguo's current entertainment circle, if it is measured by attention and influence, Ruxi is the best, if not the top.

    Obviously, she and the company are positioned on the powerful route, but she always unknowingly attracts more and more traffic.

    Every time there is a little action, the team doesn't need to operate, and this matter will naturally climb up the hot search.

    This kind of physique is mixed with good and bad, and it is of great help to an artist, after all, this is an era when traffic is king.

    However, in some respects, this also represents shackles.

    Just like this time.

    Jingshu's team immediately conveyed the news to Yuan Ting immediately after capturing the network dynamics that were not conducive to Ruxi.

    "Is Ruxi gay? What the hell is this?"

    Yuan Ting felt completely baffled.

    Sighing angrily, Yuan Ting asked the public relations officer to suppress the matter immediately before the topic exploded.

    After hanging up the phone, because of this matter, no matter how sleepy she was, she couldn't continue to catch up on sleep.

    Ru Xi is the artist with the greatest potential under her command, and her identity is also different from others.

    This time is also a critical period, and there must be no troubles, otherwise their original plan may be destroyed.

    After being disturbed, she had no choice but to get up from the bed.

    Just after she finished washing, Jingshu's team called again.

    "What? Can't hold it down?"

    Yuan Ting frowned, and suddenly realized that the matter was not simple, "Someone is playing tricks behind?"

    The other party quickly confirmed her guess and told Yuan Ting the suspect. .

    Yuan Ting was startled when she heard that person's name.

    This morning should have been very refreshing, but Ru Xi received a call from her manager, and heard that she had been spread rumors on Weibo again.

    The most ridiculous thing is that this rumor turned out to be about his own sexuality.

    This reminded her of the same scene in her previous life, she sneered, this reaction made Yuan Ting a little puzzled.

    However, for Yuan Ting, no matter what Ruxi's reaction is, the most important thing now is to solve the matter on Weibo.

    "Xixi, do you know who the company has found?"

    "Who?" Ruxi changed her mind a little.

    Yuan Ting's answer surprised her, "It turned out to be Li Sayu."

    "The technical department followed the vines and found out that the IP that started the trouble was the residence of Li Sayu's assistant." Yuan Ting's voice sounded a little angry.

    "Xixi, you and Li Sayu shouldn't have any contact in private, right?" She asked half-testingly.

    Ru Xi couldn't understand what she meant, and while feeling amused in her heart, she replied, "Sister Ting, you can relax, I am now in the rising stage of my career, how could I ask for trouble? What's more, my pursuit of you I should be able to understand."

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