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Chapter 40

    Ru Xi's premonition is not unfounded.

    This is the first variety show promotion after "The Legend of Huang Ze" was finished, and the people who came were only male and female leading actors.

    The director team that was supposed to take the lead didn't even show up.

    In addition, Bai Yan, who should have been downplayed, appeared in the variety show with great fanfare.

    This phenomenon is not right to think about.

    Before the rehearsal, Ruxi pulled Ning Lu and whispered something in her ear.

    Ning Lu opened her big eyes and looked at her suspiciously.

    "Just follow me later." Ruxi ordered.

    It's not convenient to tell the rest of the crew about the guesses in my heart, but looking at the unnatural expressions of a few people, it may be that I guessed something.

    She nodded obediently to Ning Lu, who wore Ru Xi's fangirl filter.

    During rehearsals, everything went smoothly.

    For actors, such scripts are still easy to remember.

    What's more, the director team will also send someone to give prompts.

    Much of the show's focus is on the two leads.

    One is the emperor Zhou Yuewen, and the other is the actress Zhu Kui who is approaching the front line, and there is no lack of topicality in her body.

    The two are naturally standing in position C.

    Although Bai Yan was changed roles, and because of the trouble with the fans last time, his coffee status has obviously dropped.

    But no matter what, she is also a second-tier actress, and the program crew still ranked her in the middle near the male lead.

    Ruxi's popularity has already caught up with Bai Yan's.

    However, because several works have not yet been broadcast, it can only be said to be a quasi-second-line at present.

    She took Ning Lu to stand over to the lead actress Zhu Kui.

    Everyone else lined up their positions in turn.

    According to the script, the host led everyone to walk through the process smoothly.

    The lines are also read almost the same, and the middle part of the game is very natural, and there are basically no problems.

    Not long after the show started, there was a segment where the host asked Zhu Qi and Bai Yan about the sudden change of roles in the crew.

    The two have already prepared an official answer to this question.

    It sounds like it's sincere.

    Everyone was relieved, chatted and laughed and walked to the backstage lounge, waiting for the opening time to arrive.

    This time they are guests on an old variety show in province A, and the show itself has a group of regular fans.

    In addition, several well-known artists who came this time will definitely drive a certain amount of ratings by then.

    Everyone has already promoted this episode of the show, and many fans have already started waiting in front of the TV screen.

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