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Chapter 55

    The guide explained, "This can play a fixed role and let the glutinous rice cake inside be shaped."

    "Like this." Everyone nodded.

    Watching the hostess quickly make the third piece, still covering the second mold, and then, she turned the three pressed molds over, and the side where the glutinous rice cake was placed was pressed underneath.

    "These glutinous rice cakes are ready. After a while, after they are dry, they can be placed for a long time."

    After the hostess taught them, she motioned for them to make them.

    It was still Ruxi who played first.

    There was a demonstration by the hostess in front, and Ru Xi did it very standard.

    Others are not far behind.

    After the hostess said a word to them, she was ready to leave with her sister-in-law. They still had a lot of things to do.

    "The meaning of the elder sister is to remind you to remember to leave a rice ball, so that you can make a template later." The guide explained with a smile.

    "Okay." Ruxi wrote down the reminder.

    Seeing that they were doing well, the hostess and the others left with confidence.

    Not far behind them, male villagers were still pounding glutinous rice.

    The glutinous rice cakes here have just been made, and a large ball has been pounded there.

    Artists are conscientiously printing glutinous rice cakes, it seems that they are very hardworking and serious.

    Just like that, before lunch, only half of the big bucket of glutinous rice was left.

    Just after twelve o'clock, the hostess came out wearing an apron and shouted to stop.

    Although she spoke a dialect, the word "eating" was quite obvious.

    After Ruxi and the others finished their work, they went to wash their hands and went to eat in the house.

    After resting for a while, I listened to the villagers chatting in dialect for a while, and in the afternoon it was still printed rice cakes.

    The entire vat of glutinous rice was completely made into glutinous rice cakes, and the time has come to more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

    The rest of the time can be used for free activities.

    Although printing glutinous rice cakes looks simple, but after so long, everyone still feels a little tired, so they don't have the time to go to other places to play.

    The hostess specially made local sweet tea, and then took out melon and fruit snacks to entertain them.

    Ruxi and the others stayed in this household for an afternoon.

    It wasn't until dinner that they walked slowly to where they lived.

    According to the regulations of the program group, they stayed in each place for three days, and after these three days, they went to the next destination.

    This is the second place they have stayed.

    Without the prosperity of big cities, they even have to work to get food, but in such a small mountain village with strong local customs, seeing the simple smiles on the faces of the villagers has a special flavor.

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