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Chapter 94

    The villa rented by the program group is very suitable for the supporting housekeeper and servants.

    Not only in price, but also in other places.

    For example, apart from paying wages, they can get whatever services they want at other times.

    The butler and the servants are diligent and caring, and they speak nicely...

    [The butler looks old, but he still has such a good temperament, what a gentleman]

    [This is spending money to buy services, expensive or expensive, but it still feels good的]

    [This is the life of a rich man in my dream! It's just that I'm only one word away from my dream, money! ]

    [No matter how considerate and thoughtful, they are still no match for the word no money, and they can only drink plain water hahaha]

    The money the artists have worked so hard to save is just like this cheated by the program team, and they have to spend it separately Find a way to make money.

    It's just that Ruxi analyzed it for them, explaining that they can no longer use the first method to make money here.

    Of course, Ruxi's mind is still very flexible, and it didn't take long for her to think of asking the housekeeper if there is any place to make money nearby.

    The housekeeper Zhou lived up to expectations and quickly gave the most suitable suggestion.

    [My mother, harvest cabbage? ]

    [This is the direction... after the honey worker and the glutinous rice cake worker, are the sisters going to be the cabbage worker again? ]

    [One word, absolutely! ]

    [I absolutely believe that this is what the program group means, no matter what the sisters are thinking, they will lead them to the cabbage cutting, hetui]

    [Isn’t the cabbage harvesting machine? ]

    [How can there be so many machines? Only large-scale agricultural planting uses machines. A machine is very expensive and needs to be maintained and repaired. Of course, it is more cost-effective to use manual labor if the site is small]

    [At least one hundred and fifty days , quite profitable...]

    After the entertainers packed up, they went out to find work.

    According to the route they got from Steward Zhou, they soon arrived at the vegetable planting base and were recommended to a place.

    [This program team definitely hired a lot of babysitters]

    [It's finally here]

    But before the artists took the initiative, someone found them in the shed and walked out.

    At this time, it was still a close-up of the artists, and their faces were full of surprise.

    [Ugh? what happened? Have you met someone you know? ]

    [Is there a special guest? ]

    [Who? ! ]

    The program team whetted the audience's appetite, and finally switched the scene to another shot.

    The people inside finally appeared in the eyes of the audience.

    [! ! ! ]

    [Ahhhhhhh what a beautiful girl! ]

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