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Chapter 42

    This side of the premiere is still going on.

    In other theaters, many audiences have already left the movie theater.

    Although people left, their thoughts still stayed on "Startling Cloud".

    The male protagonist Xun Fang and the female protagonist Li Dan are both first-line artists, and their acting skills are recognized as first-class.

    But they never expected that after watching the entire movie, the person who left the deepest impression on them was another person, Ru Xi.

    As early as a few months ago, Ruxi was questioned about her acting skills at the film premiere last time, and she proved herself by changing her face.

    Therefore, her face-changing emoticons became popular all over the Internet, and at the same time, more people recognized this fledgling actor.

    However, in everyone's mind, the acting skills on the face are one thing, and the overall acting skills are another.

    The emoji incident last time can refute her remarks that her acting skills are not good, but everyone still feels that compared to those top actors with superb acting skills, Ruxi is still a bit low-end.

    After watching this movie, this thought in everyone's mind completely disappeared.

    Being able to play against actors like Zhang Xunfang and Li Dan is not inferior at all, and even makes people have deep empathy for the characters she plays, which is not something a low-end actor can do.

    Although Wan Li is a very attractive character, it is impossible for an ordinary actor to perform such an effect.

    This was the first time they saw an actor in men's clothing in a movie who was completely invisible.

    If it wasn't for the fact that the person on the screen had a face exactly like Ruxi's, and there was a scene in which she was dressed in women's clothing, they would definitely think that this was played by a male actor.

    Up to now, some people are still wondering if Ruxi still has a male substitute who looks exactly like her?

    Can such outstanding acting skills really be possessed by a girl in her early twenties?

    Ordinary viewers think so.

    For Ruxi's fans, it is a complete honor.

    They fell in love with Ruxi for various reasons, but in fact, before that, their acting skills for Ruxi were limited to the previous two TV dramas and a movie with no role in it, at most it was the previous face-changing video.

    Everyone knows that among the actresses of the same period, Ruxi's acting skills are the best.

    But they didn't expect her acting skills to be so good.

    Facing two outstanding first-line artists, he did not lose the wind at all.

    Even in the eyes of the fans, they felt that Ru Xi's acting skills still surpassed Zhang Xunfang and Li Dan.

    Because after they watched the movie, what touched them the most was Wanli played by Ru Xi.

    When Wanli died for the heroine in the later period, many fans cried out of distress.

    Until the end of the movie, they are still immersed in their grief.

    Some of them sat and cried for a while in the theater, and they didn't stand up until the theater staff came to tell them to leave.

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