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Chapter 65

    As the top film award in China, the Phoenix Award has always been the strongest benchmark for domestic film festivals.

    In addition to the fairness and selflessness of the judges, there is actually great support from the state.

    The film award is not counted, and the winners who can be selected as the Phoenix Award are all people with superb acting skills and superficial character.

    Every year, one emperor and one queen are all actors want to achieve.

    This is a broad avenue that can lead directly to the front line, allowing an actor to reach the sky in one step.

    However, the Phoenix Awards seem to be more partial to established actors. Except for the truly talented and stunning juniors, it rarely awards the two titles of empress to the new generation of actors.

    Probably because compared with the new generation of actors, the acting skills of veteran actors are indeed more solid and flexible.

    However, under such circumstances, Ru Xi, the new generation, was being targeted by others. This was enough to show how much pressure Ru Xi had put on all the actors.

    Li Dan's front line is also earned through hard work.

    When she debuted, it was the time when Huaguo's entertainment industry was flourishing, and many talented people were born every year.

    Among them, Li Dan is not the brightest star, but he is the one who shines the longest.

    Many new stars are like a flash in the pan, and they disappear in a blink of an eye.

    There are also many old-fashioned stars who are also going to the road of retirement one by one.

    This entertainment circle is like a big wave washing away the sand, washing away the gravel bit by bit, leaving only the eternal shells and pearls.

    Li Dan is one of the remaining shells. Relying on her love for interpretation and tenacious spirit, she polished herself step by step into what she is today.

    She took the path taken by most of the entertainers in the entertainment industry, and she gradually got to the front line with her qualifications, and then she won the Phoenix Award, laying a solid foundation.

    "In the past two or three years, the number of filming and production is a bit more than that of the previous years. You should know what are the big directors in China, right?" Li Dan looked at Ruxi.

    She knew that Ruxi was from a major, and she had studied the common sense of the entertainment industry thoroughly as early as when she was in school.

    Although Ruxi came to this world halfway, she has all the memories of her original body.

    "South chapters and north liu, two kings and three Chens, Beijing talents idle writing, Xianggui Li Rong." This is Yuanshang's catchphrase from someone who didn't know when he was in college.

    Nanzhang Beiliu refers to Zhang Ming in the south and Liu Yucong in the north. Two kings and three Chen refer to Wang Xuanjun, Wang Zhenhang, Chen Shihui, Chen Xin, and Chen Yu. Jingcai Xianwen is Gu Xianwen from Beijing. , the last Xianggui Li Rong is Li Rong, the ghost director of Xiangshi City.

    Li Dan nodded with a smile, but his tone changed, "However, I'm afraid there will be another Liu Ye in the next year."

    "Liu Ye?" Ru Xi was slightly curious.

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