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Chapter 52

    "Haha..." The villagers were also amused by Ning Lu's hypothesis.

    "No, but the one that was crushed should sting you." The villager who explained to them added a knife.

    Ning Lu was so scared that she took a step back and hid behind Ru Xi, "Huh?!"

    "Lu Lu, you were startled by your brain power, right?" Others teased her.

    Ning Lu pursed her lips a little aggrieved.

    Ruxi in the front also couldn't laugh or cry, "That really feels quite dangerous."

    After all, they have special occupations, if they are really stung by bees while moving molds, it will be difficult to deal with.

    If it is necessary to end when filming a TV series or movie, then Ruxi will never shirk it.

    But now it's a reality show, if accidents can be avoided, then this difficult job can still be given up.

    After all, the program team didn't give the script, so they had to move the mold.

    Just when everyone wanted to give up on this step, Luo Yun suddenly spoke up.

    "Wait... I seem to understand..."

    "Understand what?"

    Everyone felt a little baffled.

    "I understand why there is a protective suit in the program group's gift!" Luo Yun looked very excited.

    Everyone suddenly realized, "You mean, this protective clothing is used to protect against bees?"

    "That's right, cover yourself up, so you won't be stung by bees." Luo Yun made a triumphant gesture.

    "It's really witty." Everyone praised.

    "With protective clothing, this difficult task is no longer difficult."

    Ruxi asked the villagers again, "Brother, is this all the work?"

    "Yes, that's almost it."

    As for other preparatory work, such as beekeeping, they have already completed it.

    "Then can we make some assignments and start working?" Li Dan clapped his hands.

    "By the way, how do you move these molds back to the place just now? Do you want us to carry them back directly?" Yu Mingtong frowned, the distance from here to there is still quite far.

    "We usually pack them in big buckets and carry them back." The villagers often work and have great strength. It is easy for two people to carry a bucket of molds back.

    What's more, the road on the side of the bee farm is bumpy and dusty, and the road is not too far away. It's not cost-effective to drive here to pick up a mold.

    Luo Yun mentioned protective clothing just now, which awakened everyone's thinking.

    Liu Xinjia raised his index finger, "Push the mold back with a bicycle."

    "Why don't you just drive over here?"

    "The road here is a bit narrow, so cars can't get in. It's better to use bicycles."

    "Yes, bicycles are better. Let's Just hold it steady."

    Everyone quickly made up their minds and decided to take action.

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