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Chapter 54

    In this quiet evening, everyone was busy plucking the cat's eyes.

    In the forest, there are occasional sounds of rustling people walking, as well as the chirping of insects and birds.

    Everyone had a bag in their hands, especially the two girls who brought Ruxi and the others had already dragged a sack full of half of it.

    The camera also shuttles between the forest and the people from time to time.

    Until a scream, the atmosphere was completely destroyed.

    "Ahhh!!" The

    crowd was so frightened by the scream that their hands trembled. After reacting, they realized that the voice came from the tree of Ruxi and the others, and they hurried to the direction where the scream came from. run over.

    "What's the matter?" "Who fell down?"

    "God, I knew they wouldn't be allowed to climb up."

    Everyone panicked and worried.

    The two camera brothers hurriedly ran under the tree of Ruxi and the others, arriving before everyone else.

    After they got under the tree, they didn't see what they expected.

    "What's going on?"

    They looked up and saw Ning Lu crying in Ruxi's arms, and Ruxi patted her on the back while comforting her, "Okay, okay, It's all right, you can see it's gone."

    Things went back to before Ning Lu screamed.

    Ning Lu was happily and earnestly picking out the cat's eyes when she suddenly felt something fall on her shoulder.

    Because I only wore one piece of clothing, the touch was very clear.

    She stopped and looked over her shoulder, and saw a huge caterpillar lying there.

    The frightened Ning Lu immediately screamed loudly, and almost lost control and fell off the tree.

    Ruxi on the other side heard her scream, and realized that something must have happened on her side, hurriedly walked back to the branch, and then quickly moved to Ning Lu's side.

    "Lulu, what's the matter?" Ruxi asked anxiously.

    Ning Lu managed to stabilize her body, but seeing the caterpillar lying on her shoulder, she was so frightened that she dared not move at all.

    Seeing Ru Xi coming over was like seeing a savior, "Ru Xi, there are caterpillars!"

    It turned out to be caterpillars.

    Ruxi's soul was almost frightened by her, but when she heard the answer, her heart fell to the ground.

    According to Ning Lu's instructions, after seeing the caterpillar on Ning Lu's shoulder, Ru Xi hurriedly picked a leaf, pushed the caterpillar away and threw it away.

    It's just that Ning Lu was so frightened that she felt aggrieved, and before everyone hurried over, she couldn't help crying while hugging Ru Xi's waist.

    It wasn't that she was delicate, when she was frightened by the caterpillar just now, she almost lost her balance and fell.

    Seeing her most trusted Ru Xi again at this moment, the grievance and fear from just now suddenly rose from her mind, and tears poured out uncontrollably.

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