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Chapter 56

    Li Dan sighed, "I tried it before, but it didn't work. This phone doesn't seem to support WIFI connection."


    Her words interrupted everyone's expectations.

    It seems that we still can't try to find loopholes in the program group. After all, such a large team is always more thoughtful than all of them combined.

    But just now the staff said again that there may be something else in the phone.

    "Forget it, let's cook and eat first and then discuss." Li Dan waved his hand.

    Everyone divided their work and finished a lunch with rice cookers and functional pots.

    Fortunately, the kind host also left them a piece of dried bacon, saving them from the trouble of eating vegetarian meals.

    After eating, everyone began to study the problem of chopping firewood.

    According to the tips of the staff, they found two hatchets.

    Then, according to the "teaching materials" in the mobile phone, Li Dan led the whole team and set off according to the map.

    This information described in detail what the work of cutting firewood on the mountain was like. Everyone followed the above instructions. In the afternoon of the first day, they successfully cut a small handful of firewood.

    Don't look at the cuts are not much, but the effort spent by everyone is huge.

    Because it was a mountain road, everyone couldn't use the car to load it, and they all carried the firewood back together.

    After finishing, everyone was so tired that they went back to the house to rest for a while.

    They then assigned beds before making dinner.

    The bed on the first floor can probably sleep two to three people, and the others all sleep in the Datong bunk on the second floor.

    Ru Xi still took the initiative to choose the relatively poor Datong shop, and Ning Lu and Yang Yingying followed her to choose the second floor.

    In the end, Li Furan, Liu Xinjia and Zhou Hui slept on the first floor, and everyone else slept on the second floor.

    Those who slept upstairs moved their suitcases up, and after finally getting all of them up, they wanted to sit and rest on the big bunk for a while.

    If it wasn't for thinking that they haven't eaten or bathed yet, everyone would want to lie down directly.

    Just when the atmosphere fell into silence, Liu Didi, who was sitting in the innermost place, suddenly screamed, "Ahh! What is that?!

    " Called completely sober.

    Liu Didi was pointing at the dark corner, "I just saw a movement over there!"

    It was not completely dark yet, there was a big window on the second floor, and the lighting was good, so they didn't turn on the light.

    Ru Xi hurried to find the light switch, turned on the light, and the dark corner was illuminated by the light.

    There was a suitcase there.

    Everyone looked at each other and looked at Liu Didi, "It's a box, Didi, did you misread it?"

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