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Chapter 139

    Many netizens who habitually search for movies on the Internet, after seeing these two polarized evaluations, began to study them carefully.

    It's just that looking at the audience, it's basically either praising the movie to death, or belittling it to death.

    And those film critics are more responsible after all, they are more attentive when watching movies, and they are almost all praises when they evaluate.

    Except for some people who deliberately sing a naysayer to please the public.

    It looks more like the crew of "Murderous" bought a navy.

    However, it is worth being curious to be able to achieve the level that so many film critics are praising.

    In Huaguo, the audience still has a certain filter effect on the Phoenix Awards.

    Since this film can win the Grand Slam at the Phoenix Awards, it must have a certain strength.

    With this in mind, many viewers walked into the cinema spontaneously.

    Probably influenced by those comments on the Internet, the audience behind became more serious. After all, they also want to see if they can understand such a movie with different opinions.

    Subsequently, these serious viewers were completely infected.

    Later audiences also began to join the army of commentators, abruptly turning the situation that was a bit unfavorable.

    The popularity of "Murderous" reversed all the way, and gradually rose to a level with a very high praise rate.

    Although it is said that radish and green vegetables have their own love, but gradually, everyone also understands that those who gave bad reviews probably did not watch this movie seriously at all, otherwise they would not say this movie like this.

    However, there is one point that has been revealed in the entire public opinion environment.

    That is, regardless of whether the movie was well received or not, the vast majority of people did not doubt Ruxi's acting skills at all.

    Being able to create such a character with superficial smiles and complicated eyes is not something ordinary actors can do.

    At the Phoenix Awards Ceremony, when the director and supporting actor gave their testimonials, they emphasized the importance of Ruxi, which seemed understandable.

    For some reason, no one was surprised when they understood this.

    Along the way, Ruxi has caused too many surprises and shocks to everyone, so much that it seems that no matter how much she achieves, it is normal.

    Among these comments, the only thing that attracted everyone's attention was one of them - Ru Xi's acting was really good, and her usual appearance was always perfect enough to be known by everyone.

    The only gaffe was when he learned that the screenwriter of "Murderous" had passed away.

    According to certain rules, for example, some people who suffered from depression and committed suicide caused great repercussions, they basically looked gentle and amiable during their lifetime.

    From this point of view, Ruxi really met too many elements.

    Because of this, many people began to agree with the above statement.

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