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Chapter 82

    [Shen Xueer's tree-climbing posture is awesome]

    [Swish and go up]

    [Now I believe that she was born in a rural area, this kind of tree-climbing speed, ordinary people can't learn]

    [Just now I thought Ruxi was already strong enough , After seeing Shen Xueer, it’s really good]

    [Ruxi and Shen Xueer are not comparable, I think Ruxi may be climbing a tree for the first time, and it’s not bad to be able to climb it]

    [I started to admire Shen Xueer a little bit]

    [Climbing a tree counts what? Anyway, I don’t like Shen Xue’er, the first impression she gave me was too bad]

    After interacting with the artists on the screen, they began to pick wild fruits.

    Everything looks peaceful and serene.

    Until there was a sudden scream full of panic, which immediately startled the artists who were picking fruit under the tree.

    [God? What happened? ! ]

    [No surprises, right? I'm so worried]

    [Sounds like Ning Lu's voice]

    [She won't fall from the tree, will she? ]

    [The painting style suddenly changes to a horror movie]

    As a result, the camera turned, but it was shot from bottom to top, the scene of Ru Xi holding Ning Lu and Ning Lu crying in her arms.

    Ru Xi patted her on the back while comforting her.

    [Ah ah ah! I'm done! It's so sweet! ]

    [Lucy CP is real! ]

    [Ning Lulu rush! ]

    [Ru Xi is simply full of boyfriend strength! This picture is so cute! ]

    [Okay, I have turned off the barrage quickly and took a screenshot]

    [With a face! ]

    Seeing such a scene, in addition to the excitement of CP fans, Ruxi's girlfriend fans and wife fans are jealous.

    [Ahhh, husband, how can you hug other women! ]

    [Quickly let me go]

    [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo /crying]

    [Bastard, you central air conditioner! ]


    Other viewers and fans are concerned about what happened.

    Until Ruxi fell down the tree neatly, and then coaxed Ning Lu to come down, she sprinkled some sugar in the eyes of CP fans.

    Especially Ning Lu almost fell over, and Ru Xi hugged her waist to help her up again, which made CP fans go crazy with excitement.

    Ruxi also quickly answered everyone's doubts.

    [sky! Caterpillar! ]

    [Ning Lulu looks quite frightened, but luckily Ruxi is by her side]

    [Thank you so much Ruxi, otherwise something might happen to us Lulu]

    [Ruxi feels too safe]

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