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Chapter 5

    Ruxi quickly adapted to work in this world.

    Because the system did not ask her to do any tasks, she took this place as a place to start again, and spent about a week to roughly understand the difference between this world and the original world, and then according to the current status of the entertainment industry, she made a plan for herself. a career plan.

    Yuanzheng's starting point is very good, but there are advantages and disadvantages. The well-behaved acting skills and the resources provided by the company can only make her progress slowly.

    If this progress is followed, it will take at least four or five years to reach the second line.

    This is what Ru Xi doesn't want to see.

    In her previous life, it took her ten years to see the heartache of the lowest-level actors before she slowly let her name appear in front of the public.

    Then it took another five years to get to the first-line position.

    Although the talent is natural, but the effort expended cannot be described in a few words.

    In this world, she felt that she could find her own way.

    As for the leap in acting skills, with her ability, she can show it slowly.

    Agent Yuan Ting said a few days ago that she would find a suitable new play for her, but there is no news yet.

    Ru Xi then asked Zhou Qing to help her find out about the trends of those directors in the entertainment industry, and at the same time, she also searched for some relevant information on the Internet.

    Of course, the information found on the Internet is generally specious, and it is impossible to judge whether it is true or false, so she can only try her luck.

    The original body's disadvantages in terms of connections were also revealed.

    After searching for a few keywords with the tablet, Ru Xi slowly scrolled through the page, watching the entries and remembering the information in her mind.

    The entertainment industry is so big, maybe a small detail can determine the affiliation of a character, or get the favor of some seniors. This is a habit she has always maintained in her previous life. Of course, some weird and unfounded Gossip should be filtered out.

    After searching for a long time and finding no useful information, Ru Xi went to the practice room that comes with the apartment to practice.

    Unexpectedly, after returning, Zhou Qing gave her a surprise.

    "Xixi, last time I mentioned to you that director Gu Xianwen's film is about to start shooting. I heard that there is a character in it that has not been finalized. However, this role does not have many roles, and its acting skills The requirements...may be a bit high." Zhou Qing's tone was obviously hesitant.

    "But this is the most important role I can hear." Although this role is not as good as the female supporting role, but the acting is good, and it is definitely more popular than the female supporting role.

    Hearing what Zhou Qing said, Ru Xi was immediately aroused with curiosity, "Sister Qing, tell me about this character."

    Zhou Qing then told Ru Xi all the news she got.

    Director Gu Xianwen is very good at making literary and artistic films, but there is no market for pure literary and artistic films, so it is inevitable that some commercial elements will be added to his films.

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