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Chapter 17

    Ning Lu finally waited until Ru Xi was free, of course she wanted to have enough fun with her at once.

    It's just that not long after the two came out of the restaurant, they just arrived at the nearby shopping mall and visited a few shops when Ning Lu received a call from her manager, Zhang Yun.

    Originally, she didn't want to pick it up, but Ning Lu was afraid that the manager might have something urgent.

    Reluctantly picked up the phone, Zhang Yun really said something was up and told Ning Lu to go back quickly.

    Before signing with Yu Jin Entertainment, He Wenxiu told her that being an artist would restrict a lot of freedom.

    At that time, Ning Lu still signed the contract because she yearned for the entertainment industry.

    After signing, she was assigned to manager Zhang Yun, and Zhang Yun and He Wenxiu's manager Zhang Yuanshan were brothers and sisters.

    He Wenxiu told her not to be too capricious, and to obey her manager at all times.

    Ning Lu also knows that she has a single-minded temperament, and she may make mistakes if she is not careful, so she listens to Zhang Yun very much.

    Now that Zhang Yun said something was wrong, she believed it without any doubt.

    After hanging up the phone, she looked at Ru Xi guiltily, "I'm sorry, Ru Xi, Sister Yun told me to go back because of something..."

    She originally wanted to play with Ru Xi for a while.

    Ru Xi had heard the content of Ning Lu's phone call a long time ago, and comforted her very understandingly, "It's okay, go back quickly if you have something to do, next time you are free, you can call me if you want to come out to play."

    Looking at Ru Xi's tenderness and Ning Lu was very moved by her considerate look.

    The two separated.

    The car sent by Zhang Yun took Ning Lu away, and Ru Xi also planned to go back to the apartment.

    Ning Lu is simple, she believes everything her manager says, but Ru Xi who has a heart is different.

    Not long after He Wenxiu left, the manager who hadn't arranged a job for Ning Lu called to say something was up, which made it clear that it was He Wenxiu's fault.

    For He Wenxiu's persistent targeting, Ru Xi was quite helpless.

    There was no competition between her and Ning Lu, and Ning Lu took the initiative to find her. Every time He Wenxiu gave her the feeling that she had provoked Ning Lu.

    This kind of plot is just like a child's play house.

    Ru Xi couldn't complain, so she simply put it behind her.

    After two days of half rest and half self-training in the apartment, the urban drama that Yuanchen filmed earlier will be aired soon, which will officially start the promotion mode.

    This series called "Beauty in Sail" is an orthodox heroine drama with a total of 30 episodes.

    As the female number three, the role of the original body is not small, and it is still quite satisfactory.

    For publicity, it is natural to be on variety shows.

    According to Ruxi, for an unknown artist like Yuanshen before Ruxi came here, of course it doesn't matter whether he goes to this show or not.

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