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Chapter 49

    After the singing was over, Ru Xi approached them quietly, and told about the incident that almost exposed her just now.

    The two of them were a little bewildered, and later gave up the way of singing.

    It doesn't matter if they can't sing, they also have other skills, such as dancing and playing the erhu instead of Zhou Hui.

    When Li Furan and Li Dan and the others were looking for a place in another direction, they happened to see someone selling harmonicas.

    With an idea, he found Ning Lu and borrowed two hundred yuan from her.

    After talking to Ruxi, she went back to the previous place to find someone to buy a harmonica, followed by a cameraman.

    And the show here is still going on.

    As a female artist in the entertainment industry, even if she didn't know anything before entering the industry, after being in the industry for so long, she still has to learn some skills.

    As the eldest sister among them, Li Dan came on stage and performed a stand-up comedy for everyone.

    Li Dan is from Henan, and the dialect in Henan is not difficult to understand, but the tone is occasionally different from Mandarin.

    She emphasized in the dialect of her hometown, and she just told a stand-up comic with gusto.

    City A is a small place, far away from Northern Henan, and it is rare to hear foreign accents locally.

    When the onlookers heard her very down-to-earth cross talk, the response was very good.

    After Li Dan finished speaking, the applause was especially loud, and some audience even shouted: "One more part!"

    "Zhong! Just listen to this guy, let's have another part!" Li Dan was quite free and easy.

    "Okay!" After this interaction, the lively atmosphere was instantly rendered.

    After Li Dan finished speaking, Li Furan also bought his harmonica.

    Everyone has one more musical instrument, and they are more energetic when performing.

    Yang Yingying discussed with the two sisters who played the music, and combined a dance music that both of them knew, and gave everyone a dynamic street dance.

    She is a dancer herself, and street dancing is no problem.

    When she got excited, she had a sudden idea, and while dancing, facing Ruxi, she made a few provocative moves in street dance, and then hooked her coolly.

    No one expected that she would do this, which aroused the emotions of the onlookers watching the play.     Seeing everyone's interest, Liu Didi

    's eyes lit up, and he started to clap his hands, shouting, "Battle! Battle! Battle!"

Get up, "battle! battle!"

    Even Liu Xinjia, who was playing the erhu, stood up while playing, and Li Furan, who was playing the harmonica, was also touched. The two of them shook their heads as the crowd shouted, immersed in it.

    "Battle! Battle!" The onlookers were obviously also infected.

    Yang Yingying continued to dance, but kept heading towards Ruxi.

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