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Chapter 71

    Almost everyone around He Wenxiu knew that he took his underground girlfriend Ning Lu very seriously.

    It was so serious that he would ignore his work because of a trivial matter of Ning Lu.

    If it were placed on ordinary people, He Wenxiu would have been beaten long ago.

    But people around He Wenxiu, including Yu Jin Entertainment, who signed He Wenxiu's contract, know that his background is very strong.

    So He Wenxiu can do whatever he wants, no one is qualified, and no one dares to meddle in his affairs.

    Even Zhang Yuanshan, the manager who accompanied him all the time and only took him as an artist under his staff, usually catered lightly.

    Of course, He Wenxiu is good in other aspects except for such a common problem of powerful people.

    As a singer, he is very talented, coupled with his generosity, the people around him follow him, and he earns more than many artists.

    These are enough to fill in all the flaws in him.

    In the eyes of everyone, it is understandable for He Wenxiu to go her own way.

    This includes the gloomy look on his face when he read about Ru Xi and Ning Lu being pulled by fans on Weibo, which is also normal.

    But, as a manager, He Wenxiu still has to step forward to comfort him, lest he do anything uncontrollable.

    After all, he also knew a little about Ru Xi.

    Ruxi is not one of those female entertainers in the circle who pretends to be a rich man, but is actually the daughter of an ordinary rich man.

    Ru's Group is still very important in Beijing, although it may not be as good as their family's Axiu's background, but it should not be underestimated.

    "Axiu, you also know that if you hang out in the circle, you will always be yelled at by fans. Lulu and Ruxi are obviously just ordinary friends, so don't take it too seriously. Think about it, last time Lulu thought you were It's not because Ruxi accompanied her to see you, it means that Ruxi has no ill intentions towards Lulu and you..."

    He was still rambling on, but he didn't realize that the page on He Wenxiu's phone had already jumped to other software.

    When Zhang Yuanshan heard the familiar voice coming from his mobile phone, the chattering in his mouth finally stopped.

    "Group? Can I talk to Ruxi?"

    This crisp and soft voice, is it Ning Lu or who?

    However, this direction... makes people have a bad feeling.

    He Wenxiu did not hide his mobile phone, causing Zhang Yuanshan to subconsciously see the content on the screen.

    As he expected, it was the scene of Ning Lu in "All the Way North".

    Looking at He Wenxiu's face again, Zhang Yuanshan sensed two words, danger.

    But he understood that his words were like wind in his ears to He Wenxiu.

    Therefore, he did not intend to persuade anything.

    Just when Zhang Yuanshan was restless, He Wenxiu's cell phone rang suddenly.

    Zhang Yuanshan took a sneak peek, heaved a sigh of relief, and thought to himself, thank God.

    Looking at the word "Baby" that suddenly popped up on his mobile phone, He Wenxiu's face finally recovered, and before his brain could react, he had already pressed the switch button.

    "Axiu, have you finished your work?"

    Ning Lu's face was displayed on the screen, and the two small canine teeth that she smiled looked very cute.

    At this time, He Wenxiu had completely changed into a normal look, and naturally began to chat with Ning Lu dotingly.

    After being interrupted by Ning Lu, the sense of danger around He Wenxiu finally subsided.

    In addition, he still has a lot of work to do recently, after being comforted by Ning Lu invisibly, Zhang Yuanshan took the opportunity to drag him to busy with work.

    Ruxi didn't know it yet, but she was lucky enough to escape a catastrophe.

    Now the outside world pays a lot of attention to her, and the broadcast of "All the Way North" has added fuel to the fire.

    This show proved Ruxi's talent in variety shows. It didn't take long for the show to air, and Yuan Ting had already received countless invitations.

    The next day, Yuan Ting called her and asked her opinion.

    Compared with film and television dramas, variety shows are to some extent easier to attract fans.

    The production cycle of variety shows is relatively short, and it can be broadcast soon after filming, and it allows fans to better understand the personality (or personality) of the artist.

    However, Ruxi obviously feels that variety shows are just a transition on her star journey, and she doesn't plan to spend her energy on it.

    Hearing Ruxi's own decision, Yuan Ting didn't speak, but she showed such an expression on her face.

    The two discussed the recent film appointments, agreed that there was nothing good about it, and chatted about Ruxi's recent situation.

    Ruxi has no schedule these two days, so she is going to gather momentum in the apartment first, because as soon as the nominations for the Phoenix Award come out, she will definitely be greeted by countless announcements and invitations.

    After reaching this level, many invitations have been completely upgraded to a higher level, and many of them are not easy to refuse.

    While it cannot be refused, it will also bring great benefits to the artist, which may be in terms of economy or resources.

    Ruxi knew without expecting it, because she had experienced it in her previous life.

    However, due to her different identity from her previous life, she doesn't need to think twice about every step like in her previous life.

    And like all the free days in the past, I exercised my skills, and the easy day passed.

    At the prime time after the evening news, Qingmang TV played the last two episodes of the first episode of "All the Way North".

    The broadcast of the first two episodes left many questions for the audience.

    What people want to know most is whether Ruxi has told the girl who confessed her true identity to her.

    Will the girl make it through the next day? If she really found out Ruxi's identity, what kind of reaction would the other party have?

    The author has something to say:

    Happy Lantern Festival!

    ps: Sitting for too long without exercising while coding, my butt hurts. This is done while squatting. I tried my best.

    Thanks for helping me during 2021-02-25 20:57:18~2021-02-26 20:59:29 Thank you for the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~

    Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: 0-01;

    thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of iced oolong tea; 1 bottle of Qingyu;

    thank you very much for your support Support, I will continue to work hard!

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