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Chapter 24

    "Eh!" Ning Lu was taken aback, and hurriedly glanced around guiltily.

    Fortunately, there is no one around them now.

    "Axiu, why are you here?" She pulled Ruxi into the car in a hurry.

    Ru Xi clearly discerned that the moment he saw her, He Wenxiu's body began to emit cold air.

    But she didn't intend to pay any attention to it, and sat down in a row with Ning Lu with a smile.

    She even took the initiative to say hello, "Senior He, hello."

    Ning Lu pressed the door close button on the car, and the door slowly closed.

    Zhou Yue, on the other hand, sat in the co-pilot seat spontaneously.

    This was the first time she saw He Wenxiu, but she had heard Ning Lu talk about their relationship, so she was not surprised now, but was a little embarrassed by the atmosphere behind.

    However, He Wenxiu is also Lulu's boyfriend after all, so she turned her head and said hello to him, "Mr. He, hello, I am Lulu's temporary assistant Zhou Yue."

    When He Wenxiu saw Ruxi, Unhappy emotions burst out in an instant.

    This time Zhou Yue greeted him, but he didn't even give him a look.

    He tore off the mask impatiently, "Lulu, isn't the training over? Why are you still with her?"

    "Axiu, can you stop targeting Ruxi for no reason?" Ning Lu looked at him like this , also started to get angry.

    Ru Xi hurriedly comforted her, "Lu Lu, don't be angry with Senior He because of me, or I'd better take my own car. It's been a long time since you guys have seen each other, so I won't bother you..."

    "No..." Ning Lu quickly grabbed Ru Xi's hand, preventing her from opening the door and getting out of the car.

    "Ruxi, you were invited up by me, if you want to go down, it's not you." Ning Lu said angrily.

    Her words almost drove He Wenxiu into a heart attack.

    Emotional Ruxi was invited by her to come up, he can't go down, he came by himself, so he should get off?

    "Lulu, do you mean to drive me out?" He asked in disbelief.

    "It's hard for me to make friends. You always find faults here and there. Ruxi is such a good person, why should I be wronged by you?"

    Ning Lu didn't want to quarrel with him at first, but he went too far. She didn't hold back at all, she was the one who pulled Ruxi over, and she couldn't let Ruxi be wronged because of her.

    "She can't be wronged, so I have to be wronged?" He Wenxiu panicked.

    "You asked for that!" Ning Lu firmly held Ru Xi's hand, and said to him.

    "I think you've been brainwashed by her. Do you know how scheming she is? You don't know anything, so you will be stupid towards her!" He Wenxiu couldn't help it anymore.

    Ning Lu's eyes widened, and she looked at him in disbelief, "You are this kind of person? You slander other girls at will..."

    She looked at Ru Xi, and sure enough, she saw a bit of embarrassment on her face.

    "It's unreasonable, so just stay here alone!" Ning Lu snorted angrily, and pressed the car door button, "Ruxi, let's go and take your car, ignore him!"

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