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Chapter 123

    Ruxi has certain requirements for scripts.

    In this circle, generally big directors have a fixed team, among which the level of screenwriting is relatively guaranteed.

    So when the big director invites, she usually won't refuse.

    However, other directors are not necessarily so.

    Although Liu Ye is a new and famous director, his first film was shortlisted for the Phoenix Award.

    But in the eyes of ordinary people, he still needs to experience some years.

    When the qualifications are sufficient, the style tends to be stable, and a few awards are won, when inviting actors in the circle, basically no one will be rejected.

    Ruxi is not the kind of person mentioned above.

    For her, although the director is also one of her considerations, what she values ​​more is the script and the invited role itself.

    If it is an ordinary director, the script is good, and the role she likes, she will also participate in it.

    The reason why he rejected Liu Ye was because his acting skills had reached a bottleneck.

    But she didn't expect Liu Ye to be so sensitive that she could detect that there was a problem with her acting skills.

    After watching the other party's first movie, Ru Xi is basically satisfied.

    As long as this level can be guaranteed, Liu Ye's film this time should still be very good.

    Even for the sake of Liu Ye's ability to see her own acting skills, and the fact that the script met her minimum requirements, she would accept it.

    It was only after she read the beginning of the script on a tablet that she completely changed her mind.

    Ru Xi raised her head, a look of excitement flashed in her eyes.

    Immediately, she closed the script and immediately contacted Yuan Ting.

    She only sent this message with one word: [Accept. ]

    The news above was still a "good" word from Yuan Ting when she told Yuan Ting that she would make a decision after reading the script.

    So the meaning of the message she sent was very clear.

    Yuan Ting quickly replied: [Decided so soon? Didn't Ah Qing say that you have to watch the movie before reading the script? ]

    Ru Xi: [I have finished watching the movie, and I have also read the beginning of the script. ]

    When she said that, Yuan Ting was even more strange.

    [Don't read all the scripts? ]

    Seeing her message back, Ruxi smiled.

    It's not that she doesn't want to read it, but she dare not finish it.

    She was afraid that after she finished reading the script, all her thoughts would be focused on this script, which would affect the next filming of "Murderous".

    Just like Sheng Wanyu's influence on her in "Murderous Aura", this script may have a greater influence on her.

    When she finished reading the script of "Murderous Aura", she still hadn't fully understood her situation.

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