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Chapter 53

    "Guests, it's time to eat!" Another shout came from downstairs.

    "Quick, get up." Ru Xi smoothed her hair one by one, and said to Ning Lu.

    The shouting from downstairs still didn't stop, Ruxi quickly opened the window and responded, "Thank you, we'll be right there." When

    they got up, changed their clothes, and washed up, the others also got up.

    All of them seemed to be out of spirits, yawning and rubbing their eyes from time to time.

    "Do people here eat so early?" Li Dan looked at his watch while brushing his teeth, "It's not yet seven o'clock.

    " I didn't get up until eight o'clock, and it was already after eight thirty after cooking.

    However, they did not complain when they went to the country to do as the Romans did.

    Among the few people, the one who seemed to be in the best spirits was actually Shen Xueer.

    She didn't look affected at all, and even looked a little warmer than before.

    After washing up, changing clothes and putting on makeup, it was already past seven o'clock.

    They gathered on the first floor, and when they went out together, they met the dedicated cameraman again.

    "Good morning!" "Morning~"

    Back in front of the camera, no matter how sleepy they were, everyone cheered up and regained their vitality.

    The temperature difference between morning and evening in the mountain village is quite large. It was clearly in the south in October, but it was foggy in the morning. They were wearing short sleeves, and they felt a little cold.

    "I made a mistake, I should wear a small coat again." Li Dan, the oldest, rubbed his arm lightly.

    Ru Xi asked: "Do you want to go back and get some clothes?"

    "Forget it, they should have been waiting for us for a long time."

    When they arrived at the village party secretary's house, the tables placed in the courtyard had been put away this time, and they were invited to enter In the house of the village secretary.

    "Good morning, everyone!" "Good morning!" Everyone greeted each other.

    The village party secretary and his family were indeed waiting for them.

    Everyone expressed their apologies before sitting down to eat.

    There are two children in the village party secretary's family, one is in high school, the boarding house is not at home, and the other is in junior high school, the school is in another nearby village, and they have to get up early every day to go to school.

    When they came, the child was ready to go.

    This can't help but arouse everyone's emotion.

    After breakfast, everyone spontaneously prepared to go to work.

    They already knew the whole process of the work yesterday, and they did it more and more easily.

    A morning passed quietly with everyone's efforts, had lunch, and worked for another afternoon.

    This time it was less than four o'clock when the villagers in the factory announced to them that the work of making honey had been completed.

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